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328 results ( Show  25  | All )

NumberFilesTitleAuthorsDateMore InfoStatus
RFC 1169ASCII, PDF, HTML Explaining the role of GOSIP V.G. Cerf, K.L. MillsAugust 1990    Informational
RFC 1304ASCII, PDF, HTML Definitions of Managed Objects for the SIP Interface Type T. Cox, Ed., K. Tesink, Ed.February 1992Obsoleted by RFC 1694Proposed Standard
RFC 1454ASCII, PDF, HTML Comparison of Proposals for Next Version of IP T. DixonMay 1993    Informational
RFC 1694ASCII, PDF, HTML Definitions of Managed Objects for SMDS Interfaces using SMIv2 T. Brown, Ed., K. Tesink, Ed.August 1994Obsoletes RFC 1304Draft Standard
RFC 1710ASCII, PDF, HTML Simple Internet Protocol Plus White Paper R. HindenOctober 1994    Informational
RFC 2543ASCII, PDF, HTML SIP: Session Initiation Protocol M. Handley, H. Schulzrinne, E. Schooler, J. RosenbergMarch 1999Obsoleted by RFC 3261, RFC 3262, RFC 3263, RFC 3264, RFC 3265Proposed Standard
RFC 2848ASCII, PDF, HTML The PINT Service Protocol: Extensions to SIP and SDP for IP Access to Telephone Call Services S. Petrack, L. ConroyJune 2000    Proposed Standard
RFC 2976ASCII, PDF, HTML The SIP INFO Method S. DonovanOctober 2000Obsoleted by RFC 6086Proposed Standard
RFC 3050ASCII, PDF, HTML Common Gateway Interface for SIP J. Lennox, H. Schulzrinne, J. RosenbergJanuary 2001    Informational
RFC 3087ASCII, PDF, HTML Control of Service Context using SIP Request-URI B. Campbell, R. SparksApril 2001    Informational
RFC 3102ASCII, PDF, HTML Realm Specific IP: Framework M. Borella, J. Lo, D. Grabelsky, G. MontenegroOctober 2001    Experimental
RFC 3103ASCII, PDF, HTML Realm Specific IP: Protocol Specification M. Borella, D. Grabelsky, J. Lo, K. TaniguchiOctober 2001    Experimental
RFC 3104ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata RSIP Support for End-to-end IPsec G. Montenegro, M. BorellaOctober 2001ErrataExperimental
RFC 3105ASCII, PDF, HTML Finding an RSIP Server with SLP J. Kempf, G. MontenegroOctober 2001    Experimental
RFC 3261ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataSIP: Session Initiation Protocol J. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne, G. Camarillo, A. Johnston, J. Peterson, R. Sparks, M. Handley, E. SchoolerJune 2002Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2543, Updated by RFC 3265, RFC 3853, RFC 4320, RFC 4916, RFC 5393, RFC 5621, RFC 5626, RFC 5630, RFC 5922, RFC 5954, RFC 6026, RFC 6141, RFC 6665, RFC 6878, RFC 7462, RFC 7463, RFC 8217, RFC 8591, RFC 8760, RFC 8898, RFC 8996Proposed Standard
RFC 3262ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Reliability of Provisional Responses in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) J. Rosenberg, H. SchulzrinneJune 2002Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2543Proposed Standard
RFC 3263ASCII, PDF, HTML Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Locating SIP Servers J. Rosenberg, H. SchulzrinneJune 2002Obsoletes RFC 2543, Updated by RFC 7984, RFC 8553Proposed Standard
RFC 3265ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)-Specific Event Notification A. B. RoachJune 2002Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2543, Obsoleted by RFC 6665, Updates RFC 3261, Updated by RFC 5367, RFC 5727, RFC 6446Proposed Standard
RFC 3311ASCII, PDF, HTML The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) UPDATE Method J. RosenbergOctober 2002    Proposed Standard
RFC 3312ASCII, PDF, PS, PDF with Images, HTML Integration of Resource Management and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) G. Camarillo, Ed., W. Marshall, Ed., J. RosenbergOctober 2002Errata, Updated by RFC 4032, RFC 5027Proposed Standard
RFC 3313ASCII, PDF, HTMLPrivate Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extensions for Media Authorization W. Marshall, Ed.January 2003    Informational
RFC 3319ASCII, PDF, HTML Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCPv6) Options for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Servers H. Schulzrinne, B. VolzJuly 2003    Proposed Standard
RFC 3320ASCII, PDF, HTML Signaling Compression (SigComp) R. Price, C. Bormann, J. Christoffersson, H. Hannu, Z. Liu, J. RosenbergJanuary 2003Updated by RFC 4896Proposed Standard
RFC 3321ASCII, PDF, HTML Signaling Compression (SigComp) - Extended Operations H. Hannu, J. Christoffersson, S. Forsgren, K.-C. Leung, Z. Liu, R. PriceJanuary 2003Updated by RFC 4896Proposed Standard
RFC 3322ASCII, PDF, HTML Signaling Compression (SigComp) Requirements & Assumptions H. HannuJanuary 2003    Informational
RFC 3323ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata A Privacy Mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) J. PetersonNovember 2002ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 3324ASCII, PDF, HTML Short Term Requirements for Network Asserted Identity M. WatsonNovember 2002    Informational
RFC 3325ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Private Extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Asserted Identity within Trusted Networks C. Jennings, J. Peterson, M. WatsonNovember 2002Errata, Updated by RFC 5876, RFC 8217Informational
RFC 3326ASCII, PDF, HTML The Reason Header Field for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) H. Schulzrinne, D. Oran, G. CamarilloDecember 2002Updated by RFC 8606, RFC 9366Proposed Standard
RFC 3327ASCII, PDF, HTML Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension Header Field for Registering Non-Adjacent Contacts D. Willis, B. HoeneisenDecember 2002Errata, Updated by RFC 5626Proposed Standard
RFC 3329ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Security Mechanism Agreement for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) J. Arkko, V. Torvinen, G. Camarillo, A. Niemi, T. HaukkaJanuary 2003Errata, Updated by RFC 8996Proposed Standard
RFC 3351ASCII, PDF, HTML User Requirements for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) in Support of Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Speech-impaired Individuals N. Charlton, M. Gasson, G. Gybels, M. Spanner, A. van WijkAugust 2002    Informational
RFC 3361ASCII, PDF, HTML Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP-for-IPv4) Option for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Servers H. SchulzrinneAugust 2002    Proposed Standard
RFC 3372 a.k.a. BCP 63

ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Session Initiation Protocol for Telephones (SIP-T): Context and Architectures A. Vemuri, J. PetersonSeptember 2002ErrataBest Current Practice
RFC 3398ASCII, PDF, HTML Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) User Part (ISUP) to Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Mapping G. Camarillo, A. B. Roach, J. Peterson, L. OngDecember 2002ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 3420ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Internet Media Type message/sipfrag R. SparksNovember 2002ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 3427ASCII, PDF, HTML Change Process for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) A. Mankin, S. Bradner, R. Mahy, D. Willis, J. Ott, B. RosenDecember 2002Obsoleted by RFC 5727, Updated by RFC 3968, RFC 3969Best Current Practice
RFC 3428ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension for Instant Messaging B. Campbell, Ed., J. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne, C. Huitema, D. GurleDecember 2002Errata, Updated by RFC 8591Proposed Standard
RFC 3455ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Private Header (P-Header) Extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for the 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) M. Garcia-Martin, E. Henrikson, D. MillsJanuary 2003Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 7315Informational
RFC 3485ASCII, PDF, HTML The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol (SDP) Static Dictionary for Signaling Compression (SigComp) M. Garcia-Martin, C. Bormann, J. Ott, R. Price, A. B. RoachFebruary 2003Updated by RFC 4896Proposed Standard
RFC 3486ASCII, PDF, HTML Compressing the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) G. CamarilloFebruary 2003Updated by RFC 5049Proposed Standard
RFC 3487ASCII, PDF, HTML Requirements for Resource Priority Mechanisms for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) H. SchulzrinneFebruary 2003    Informational
RFC 3515ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Refer Method R. SparksApril 2003Errata, Updated by RFC 7647, RFC 8217Proposed Standard
RFC 3578ASCII, PDF, HTML Mapping of Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) User Part (ISUP) Overlap Signalling to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) G. Camarillo, A. B. Roach, J. Peterson, L. OngAugust 2003    Proposed Standard
RFC 3581ASCII, PDF, HTML An Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Symmetric Response Routing J. Rosenberg, H. SchulzrinneAugust 2003    Proposed Standard
RFC 3603ASCII, PDF, HTML Private Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Proxy-to-Proxy Extensions for Supporting the PacketCable Distributed Call Signaling Architecture W. Marshall, Ed., F. Andreasen, Ed.October 2003Obsoleted by RFC 5503Informational
RFC 3608ASCII, PDF, HTML Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension Header Field for Service Route Discovery During Registration D. Willis, B. HoeneisenOctober 2003Updated by RFC 5630Proposed Standard
RFC 3665 a.k.a. BCP 75

ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Basic Call Flow Examples A. Johnston, S. Donovan, R. Sparks, C. Cunningham, K. SummersDecember 2003ErrataBest Current Practice
RFC 3666 a.k.a. BCP 76

ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Call Flows A. Johnston, S. Donovan, R. Sparks, C. Cunningham, K. SummersDecember 2003ErrataBest Current Practice
RFC 3680ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Registrations J. RosenbergMarch 2004Errata, Updated by RFC 6140Proposed Standard
RFC 3702ASCII, PDF, HTML Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Requirements for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) J. Loughney, G. CamarilloFebruary 2004    Informational
RFC 3725 a.k.a. BCP 85

ASCII, PDF, HTML Best Current Practices for Third Party Call Control (3pcc) in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) J. Rosenberg, J. Peterson, H. Schulzrinne, G. CamarilloApril 2004    Best Current Practice
RFC 3764ASCII, PDF, HTML enumservice registration for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Addresses-of-Record J. PetersonApril 2004Updated by RFC 6118Proposed Standard
RFC 3824ASCII, PDF, HTML Using E.164 numbers with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) J. Peterson, H. Liu, J. Yu, B. CampbellJune 2004    Informational
RFC 3840ASCII, PDF, HTML Indicating User Agent Capabilities in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) J. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne, P. KyzivatAugust 2004    Proposed Standard
RFC 3841ASCII, PDF, HTML Caller Preferences for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) J. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne, P. KyzivatAugust 2004    Proposed Standard
RFC 3842ASCII, PDF, HTML A Message Summary and Message Waiting Indication Event Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) R. MahyAugust 2004    Proposed Standard
RFC 3853ASCII, PDF, HTML S/MIME Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Requirement for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) J. PetersonJuly 2004Updates RFC 3261Proposed Standard
RFC 3856ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata A Presence Event Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) J. RosenbergAugust 2004Errata, Updated by RFC 8996Proposed Standard
RFC 3857ASCII, PDF, HTML A Watcher Information Event Template-Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) J. RosenbergAugust 2004    Proposed Standard
RFC 3891ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) "Replaces" Header R. Mahy, B. Biggs, R. DeanSeptember 2004ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 3892ASCII, PDF, HTML The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Referred-By Mechanism R. SparksSeptember 2004Updated by RFC 8217Proposed Standard
RFC 3893ASCII, PDF, HTML Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Authenticated Identity Body (AIB) Format J. PetersonSeptember 2004    Proposed Standard
RFC 3903ASCII, PDF, HTML Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension for Event State Publication A. Niemi, Ed.October 2004Updated by RFC 8996Proposed Standard
RFC 3910ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe SPIRITS (Services in PSTN requesting Internet Services) Protocol V. Gurbani, Ed., A. Brusilovsky, I. Faynberg, J. Gato, H. Lu, M. UnmehopaOctober 2004    Proposed Standard
RFC 3911ASCII, PDF, HTML The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) "Join" Header R. Mahy, D. PetrieOctober 2004    Proposed Standard
RFC 3944ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata H.350 Directory Services T. Johnson, S. Okubo, S. CamposDecember 2004ErrataInformational
RFC 3959ASCII, PDF, HTML The Early Session Disposition Type for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) G. CamarilloDecember 2004ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 3960ASCII, PDF, HTML Early Media and Ringing Tone Generation in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) G. Camarillo, H. SchulzrinneDecember 2004    Informational
RFC 3968 a.k.a. BCP 98

ASCII, PDF, HTML The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) Header Field Parameter Registry for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) G. CamarilloDecember 2004Updates RFC 3427Best Current Practice
RFC 3969 a.k.a. BCP 99

ASCII, PDF, HTML The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Parameter Registry for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) G. CamarilloDecember 2004Updates RFC 3427, Updated by RFC 5727Best Current Practice
RFC 3976ASCII, PDF, HTML Interworking SIP and Intelligent Network (IN) Applications V. K. Gurbani, F. Haerens, V. RastogiJanuary 2005    Informational
RFC 4028ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataSession Timers in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)S. Donovan, J. RosenbergApril 2005ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 4032ASCII, PDF, HTML Update to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Preconditions Framework G. Camarillo, P. KyzivatMarch 2005Updates RFC 3312Proposed Standard
RFC 4083ASCII, PDF, HTMLInput 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Release 5 Requirements on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)M. Garcia-MartinMay 2005    Informational
RFC 4092ASCII, PDF, HTMLUsage of the Session Description Protocol (SDP) Alternative Network Address Types (ANAT) Semantics in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)G. Camarillo, J. RosenbergJune 2005Obsoleted by RFC 5245Proposed Standard
RFC 4097ASCII, PDF, HTMLMiddlebox Communications (MIDCOM) Protocol EvaluationM. Barnes, Ed.June 2005Updated by RFC 8996Informational
RFC 4117ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataTranscoding Services Invocation in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Using Third Party Call Control (3pcc)G. Camarillo, E. Burger, H. Schulzrinne, A. van WijkJune 2005ErrataInformational
RFC 4123ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP)-H.323 Interworking RequirementsH. Schulzrinne, C. AgbohJuly 2005    Informational
RFC 4168ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) as a Transport for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne, G. CamarilloOctober 2005Updated by RFC 8996Proposed Standard
RFC 4189ASCII, PDF, HTMLRequirements for End-to-Middle Security for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)K. Ono, S. TachimotoOctober 2005    Informational
RFC 4235ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataAn INVITE-Initiated Dialog Event Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne, R. Mahy, Ed.November 2005Errata, Updated by RFC 7463, RFC 8996Proposed Standard
RFC 4240ASCII, PDF, HTMLBasic Network Media Services with SIPE. Burger, Ed., J. Van Dyke, A. SpitzerDecember 2005ErrataInformational
RFC 4244ASCII, PDF, HTMLAn Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Request History InformationM. Barnes, Ed.November 2005Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 7044Proposed Standard
RFC 4245ASCII, PDF, HTMLHigh-Level Requirements for Tightly Coupled SIP ConferencingO. Levin, R. EvenNovember 2005    Informational
RFC 4320ASCII, PDF, HTMLActions Addressing Identified Issues with the Session Initiation Protocol's (SIP) Non-INVITE TransactionR. SparksJanuary 2006Updates RFC 3261Proposed Standard
RFC 4321ASCII, PDF, HTMLProblems Identified Associated with the Session Initiation Protocol's (SIP) Non-INVITE TransactionR. SparksJanuary 2006    Informational
RFC 4353ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Framework for Conferencing with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. RosenbergFebruary 2006    Informational
RFC 4354ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package and Data Format for Various Settings in Support for the Push-to-Talk over Cellular (PoC) ServiceM. Garcia-MartinJanuary 2006    Informational
RFC 4411ASCII, PDF, HTMLExtending the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Reason Header for Preemption EventsJ. PolkFebruary 2006    Proposed Standard
RFC 4412ASCII, PDF, HTMLCommunications Resource Priority for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)H. Schulzrinne, J. PolkFebruary 2006Updated by RFC 7134Proposed Standard
RFC 4453ASCII, PDF, HTMLRequirements for Consent-Based Communications in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. Rosenberg, G. Camarillo, Ed., D. WillisApril 2006    Informational
RFC 4457ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) P-User-Database Private-Header (P-Header)G. Camarillo, G. BlancoApril 2006    Informational
RFC 4458ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) URIs for Applications such as Voicemail and Interactive Voice Response (IVR)C. Jennings, F. Audet, J. ElwellApril 2006Errata, Updated by RFC 8119Informational
RFC 4474ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataEnhancements for Authenticated Identity Management in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. Peterson, C. JenningsAugust 2006Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 8224Proposed Standard
RFC 4475ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Torture Test MessagesR. Sparks, Ed., A. Hawrylyshen, A. Johnston, J. Rosenberg, H. SchulzrinneMay 2006    Informational
RFC 4479ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Data Model for PresenceJ. RosenbergJuly 2006ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 4483ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Mechanism for Content Indirection in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) MessagesE. Burger, Ed.May 2006ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 4484ASCII, PDF, HTMLTrait-Based Authorization Requirements for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. Peterson, J. Polk, D. Sicker, H. TschofenigAugust 2006    Informational
RFC 4485ASCII, PDF, HTMLGuidelines for Authors of Extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. Rosenberg, H. SchulzrinneMay 2006    Informational
RFC 4488ASCII, PDF, HTMLSuppression of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) REFER Method Implicit SubscriptionO. LevinMay 2006    Proposed Standard
RFC 4497 a.k.a. BCP 117

ASCII, PDF, HTMLInterworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and QSIGJ. Elwell, F. Derks, P. Mourot, O. RousseauMay 2006Updated by RFC 8996Best Current Practice
RFC 4504ASCII, PDF, HTMLSIP Telephony Device Requirements and ConfigurationH. Sinnreich, Ed., S. Lass, C. StredickeMay 2006    Informational
RFC 4508ASCII, PDF, HTMLConveying Feature Tags with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) REFER MethodO. Levin, A. JohnstonMay 2006Updated by RFC 8217Proposed Standard
RFC 4538ASCII, PDF, HTMLRequest Authorization through Dialog Identification in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. RosenbergJune 2006    Proposed Standard
RFC 4575ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Conference StateJ. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne, O. Levin, Ed.August 2006    Proposed Standard
RFC 4579 a.k.a. BCP 119

ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Call Control - Conferencing for User AgentsA. Johnston, O. LevinAugust 2006    Best Current Practice
RFC 4590ASCII, PDF, HTMLRADIUS Extension for Digest AuthenticationB. Sterman, D. Sadolevsky, D. Schwartz, D. Williams, W. BeckJuly 2006Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 5090Proposed Standard
RFC 4596ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataGuidelines for Usage of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Caller Preferences ExtensionJ. Rosenberg, P. KyzivatJuly 2006ErrataInformational
RFC 4662ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataA Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Notification Extension for Resource ListsA. B. Roach, B. Campbell, J. RosenbergAugust 2006ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 4722ASCII, PDF, HTMLMedia Server Control Markup Language (MSCML) and ProtocolJ. Van Dyke, E. Burger, Ed., A. SpitzerNovember 2006Obsoleted by RFC 5022Informational
RFC 4730ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataA Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Key Press Stimulus (KPML)E. Burger, M. DollyNovember 2006ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 4740ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataDiameter Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) ApplicationM. Garcia-Martin, Ed., M. Belinchon, M. Pallares-Lopez, C. Canales-Valenzuela, K. TammiNovember 2006ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 4769ASCII, PDF, HTMLIANA Registration for an Enumservice Containing Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Signaling Information J. Livingood, R. ShockeyNovember 2006Updated by RFC 6118Proposed Standard
RFC 4780ASCII, PDF, HTMLManagement Information Base for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)K. Lingle, J-F. Mule, J. Maeng, D. WalkerApril 2007    Proposed Standard
RFC 4787 part of BCP 127

ASCII, PDF, HTMLNetwork Address Translation (NAT) Behavioral Requirements for Unicast UDPF. Audet, Ed., C. JenningsJanuary 2007Updated by RFC 6888, RFC 7857Best Current Practice
RFC 4825ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Extensible Markup Language (XML) Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP)J. RosenbergMay 2007    Proposed Standard
RFC 4826ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataExtensible Markup Language (XML) Formats for Representing Resource ListsJ. RosenbergMay 2007ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 4827ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataAn Extensible Markup Language (XML) Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP) Usage for Manipulating Presence Document ContentsM. Isomaki, E. LeppanenMay 2007ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 4896ASCII, PDF, HTMLSignaling Compression (SigComp) Corrections and ClarificationsA. Surtees, M. West, A.B. RoachJune 2007Updates RFC 3320, RFC 3321, RFC 3485Proposed Standard
RFC 4904ASCII, PDF, HTMLRepresenting Trunk Groups in tel/sip Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)V. Gurbani, C. JenningsJune 2007    Proposed Standard
RFC 4916ASCII, PDF, HTMLConnected Identity in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. ElwellJune 2007Updates RFC 3261Proposed Standard
RFC 5002ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataThe Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) P-Profile-Key Private Header (P-Header)G. Camarillo, G. BlancoAugust 2007Errata, Updated by RFC 8217Informational
RFC 5009ASCII, PDF, HTMLPrivate Header (P-Header) Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Authorization of Early MediaR. EjzakSeptember 2007    Informational
RFC 5022ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataMedia Server Control Markup Language (MSCML) and ProtocolJ. Van Dyke, E. Burger, Ed., A. SpitzerSeptember 2007Errata, Obsoletes RFC 4722Informational
RFC 5039ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and SpamJ. Rosenberg, C. JenningsJanuary 2008    Informational
RFC 5049ASCII, PDF, HTMLApplying Signaling Compression (SigComp) to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)C. Bormann, Z. Liu, R. Price, G. Camarillo, Ed.December 2007Updates RFC 3486, Updated by RFC 8996Proposed Standard
RFC 5079ASCII, PDF, HTMLRejecting Anonymous Requests in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. RosenbergDecember 2007    Proposed Standard
RFC 5090ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataRADIUS Extension for Digest AuthenticationB. Sterman, D. Sadolevsky, D. Schwartz, D. Williams, W. BeckFebruary 2008Errata, Obsoletes RFC 4590Proposed Standard
RFC 5118ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Torture Test Messages for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)V. Gurbani, C. Boulton, R. SparksFebruary 2008ErrataInformational
RFC 5194ASCII, PDF, HTMLFramework for Real-Time Text over IP Using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)A. van Wijk, Ed., G. Gybels, Ed.June 2008    Informational
RFC 5196ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) User Agent Capability Extension to Presence Information Data Format (PIDF)M. Lonnfors, K. KissSeptember 2008    Proposed Standard
RFC 5263ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension for Partial Notification of Presence InformationM. Lonnfors, J. Costa-Requena, E. Leppanen, H. KhartabilSeptember 2008Updated by RFC 8996Proposed Standard
RFC 5278ASCII, PDF, HTMLIANA Registration of Enumservices for Voice and Video MessagingJ. Livingood, D. TroshynskiJuly 2008Updated by RFC 6118Proposed Standard
RFC 5318ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) P-Refused-URI-List Private-Header (P-Header)J. Hautakorpi, G. CamarilloDecember 2008Errata, Updated by RFC 8217Informational
RFC 5359 a.k.a. BCP 144

ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol Service ExamplesA. Johnston, Ed., R. Sparks, C. Cunningham, S. Donovan, K. SummersOctober 2008ErrataBest Current Practice
RFC 5360ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Framework for Consent-Based Communications in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. Rosenberg, G. Camarillo, Ed., D. WillisOctober 2008Errata, Updated by RFC 8217Proposed Standard
RFC 5362ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Pending Additions Event PackageG. CamarilloOctober 2008    Proposed Standard
RFC 5363ASCII, PDF, HTMLFramework and Security Considerations for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URI-List ServicesG. Camarillo, A.B. RoachOctober 2008    Proposed Standard
RFC 5365ASCII, PDF, HTMLMultiple-Recipient MESSAGE Requests in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)M. Garcia-Martin, G. CamarilloOctober 2008    Proposed Standard
RFC 5366ASCII, PDF, HTMLConference Establishment Using Request-Contained Lists in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)G. Camarillo, A. JohnstonOctober 2008    Proposed Standard
RFC 5367ASCII, PDF, HTMLSubscriptions to Request-Contained Resource Lists in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)G. Camarillo, A.B. Roach, O. LevinOctober 2008Updates RFC 3265Proposed Standard
RFC 5368ASCII, PDF, HTMLReferring to Multiple Resources in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)G. Camarillo, A. Niemi, M. Isomaki, M. Garcia-Martin, H. KhartabilOctober 2008Updated by RFC 8262Proposed Standard
RFC 5369ASCII, PDF, HTMLFramework for Transcoding with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)G. CamarilloOctober 2008    Informational
RFC 5370ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Conference Bridge Transcoding ModelG. CamarilloOctober 2008    Proposed Standard
RFC 5373ASCII, PDF, HTMLRequesting Answering Modes for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)D. Willis, Ed., A. AllenNovember 2008    Proposed Standard
RFC 5379ASCII, PDF, HTMLGuidelines for Using the Privacy Mechanism for SIPM. Munakata, S. Schubert, T. OhbaFebruary 2010    Informational
RFC 5389ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)J. Rosenberg, R. Mahy, P. Matthews, D. WingOctober 2008Errata, Obsoletes RFC 3489, Obsoleted by RFC 8489, Updated by RFC 7350, RFC 8553Proposed Standard
RFC 5390ASCII, PDF, HTMLRequirements for Management of Overload in the Session Initiation ProtocolJ. RosenbergDecember 2008    Informational
RFC 5393ASCII, PDF, HTMLAddressing an Amplification Vulnerability in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Forking ProxiesR. Sparks, Ed., S. Lawrence, A. Hawrylyshen, B. CampenDecember 2008Updates RFC 3261Proposed Standard
RFC 5407 a.k.a. BCP 147

ASCII, PDF, HTMLExample Call Flows of Race Conditions in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)M. Hasebe, J. Koshiko, Y. Suzuki, T. Yoshikawa, P. KyzivatDecember 2008    Best Current Practice
RFC 5411ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Hitchhiker's Guide to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. RosenbergFebruary 2009    Informational
RFC 5478ASCII, PDF, HTMLIANA Registration of New Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Resource-Priority NamespacesJ. PolkMarch 2009    Proposed Standard
RFC 5502ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe SIP P-Served-User Private-Header (P-Header) for the 3GPP IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) SubsystemJ. van ElburgApril 2009Errata, Updated by RFC 8217, RFC 8498Informational
RFC 5503ASCII, PDF, HTMLPrivate Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Proxy-to-Proxy Extensions for Supporting the PacketCable Distributed Call Signaling ArchitectureF. Andreasen, B. McKibben, B. MarshallMarch 2009Obsoletes RFC 3603Informational
RFC 5509ASCII, PDF, HTMLInternet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Registration of Instant Messaging and Presence DNS SRV RRs for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)S. LoretoApril 2009    Proposed Standard
RFC 5552ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataSIP Interface to VoiceXML Media ServicesD. Burke, M. ScottMay 2009ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 5589 a.k.a. BCP 149

ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Call Control - TransferR. Sparks, A. Johnston, Ed., D. PetrieJune 2009ErrataBest Current Practice
RFC 5606ASCII, PDF, HTMLImplications of 'retransmission-allowed' for SIP Location ConveyanceJ. Peterson, T. Hardie, J. MorrisAugust 2009    Informational
RFC 5616ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataStreaming Internet Messaging AttachmentsN. CookAugust 2009ErrataInformational
RFC 5621ASCII, PDF, HTMLMessage Body Handling in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)G. CamarilloSeptember 2009Updates RFC 3204, RFC 3261, RFC 3459, Updated by RFC 8262Proposed Standard
RFC 5626ASCII, PDF, HTMLManaging Client-Initiated Connections in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)C. Jennings, Ed., R. Mahy, Ed., F. Audet, Ed.October 2009Updates RFC 3261, RFC 3327Proposed Standard
RFC 5627ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataObtaining and Using Globally Routable User Agent URIs (GRUUs) in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. RosenbergOctober 2009ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 5628ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataRegistration Event Package Extension for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Globally Routable User Agent URIs (GRUUs)P. KyzivatOctober 2009ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 5629ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Framework for Application Interaction in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. RosenbergOctober 2009    Proposed Standard
RFC 5630ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Use of the SIPS URI Scheme in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)F. AudetOctober 2009Updates RFC 3261, RFC 3608Proposed Standard
RFC 5631ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Session MobilityR. Shacham, H. Schulzrinne, S. Thakolsri, W. KellererOctober 2009    Informational
RFC 5638ASCII, PDF, HTMLSimple SIP Usage Scenario for Applications in the EndpointsH. Sinnreich, Ed., A. Johnston, E. Shim, K. SinghSeptember 2009    Informational
RFC 5658ASCII, PDF, HTMLAddressing Record-Route Issues in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)T. Froment, C. Lebel, B. BonnaerensOctober 2009    Proposed Standard
RFC 5688ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Media Feature Tag for MIME Application SubtypesJ. RosenbergJanuary 2010ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 5727 part of BCP 67

ASCII, PDF, HTMLChange Process for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Real-time Applications and Infrastructure AreaJ. Peterson, C. Jennings, R. SparksMarch 2010Errata, Obsoletes RFC 3427, Updates RFC 3265, RFC 3969, Updated by RFC 7957Best Current Practice
RFC 5767ASCII, PDF, HTMLUser-Agent-Driven Privacy Mechanism for SIPM. Munakata, S. Schubert, T. OhbaApril 2010    Informational
RFC 5768ASCII, PDF, HTMLIndicating Support for Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. RosenbergApril 2010    Proposed Standard
RFC 5806ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataDiversion Indication in SIPS. Levy, M. Mohali, Ed.March 2010ErrataHistoric
RFC 5839ASCII, PDF, HTMLAn Extension to Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Events for Conditional Event NotificationA. Niemi, D. Willis, Ed.May 2010    Proposed Standard
RFC 5850ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Call Control and Multi-Party Usage Framework for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)R. Mahy, R. Sparks, J. Rosenberg, D. Petrie, A. Johnston, Ed.May 2010ErrataInformational
RFC 5853ASCII, PDF, HTMLRequirements from Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Session Border Control (SBC) DeploymentsJ. Hautakorpi, Ed., G. Camarillo, R. Penfield, A. Hawrylyshen, M. BhatiaApril 2010    Informational
RFC 5866ASCII, PDF, HTMLDiameter Quality-of-Service ApplicationD. Sun, Ed., P. McCann, H. Tschofenig, T. Tsou, A. Doria, G. Zorn, Ed.May 2010    Proposed Standard
RFC 5874ASCII, PDF, HTMLAn Extensible Markup Language (XML) Document Format for Indicating a Change in XML Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP) ResourcesJ. Rosenberg, J. UrpalainenMay 2010    Proposed Standard
RFC 5876ASCII, PDF, HTMLUpdates to Asserted Identity in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. ElwellApril 2010Updates RFC 3325Informational
RFC 5888ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataThe Session Description Protocol (SDP) Grouping FrameworkG. Camarillo, H. SchulzrinneJune 2010Errata, Obsoletes RFC 3388, Updated by RFC 8843, RFC 9143Proposed Standard
RFC 5897ASCII, PDF, HTMLIdentification of Communications Services in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. RosenbergJune 2010    Informational
RFC 5898ASCII, PDF, HTMLConnectivity Preconditions for Session Description Protocol (SDP) Media StreamsF. Andreasen, G. Camarillo, D. Oran, D. WingJuly 2010    Proposed Standard
RFC 5922ASCII, PDF, HTMLDomain Certificates in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)V. Gurbani, S. Lawrence, A. JeffreyJune 2010Updates RFC 3261Proposed Standard
RFC 5923ASCII, PDF, HTMLConnection Reuse in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)V. Gurbani, Ed., R. Mahy, B. TateJune 2010ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 5924ASCII, PDF, HTMLExtended Key Usage (EKU) for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) X.509 CertificatesS. Lawrence, V. GurbaniJune 2010    Experimental
RFC 5947ASCII, PDF, HTMLRequirements for Multiple Address of Record (AOR) Reachability Information in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. Elwell, H. KaplanSeptember 2010    Informational
RFC 5954ASCII, PDF, HTMLEssential Correction for IPv6 ABNF and URI Comparison in RFC 3261V. Gurbani, Ed., B. Carpenter, Ed., B. Tate, Ed.August 2010Errata, Updates RFC 3261Proposed Standard
RFC 5989ASCII, PDF, HTMLA SIP Event Package for Subscribing to Changes to an HTTP ResourceA.B. RoachOctober 2010    Proposed Standard
RFC 6011ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) User Agent ConfigurationS. Lawrence, Ed., J. ElwellOctober 2010ErrataInformational
RFC 6026ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataCorrect Transaction Handling for 2xx Responses to Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) INVITE RequestsR. Sparks, T. ZourzouvillysSeptember 2010Errata, Updates RFC 3261Proposed Standard
RFC 6035ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol Event Package for Voice Quality ReportingA. Pendleton, A. Clark, A. Johnston, H. SinnreichNovember 2010ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 6044ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataMapping and Interworking of Diversion Information between Diversion and History-Info Headers in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)M. MohaliOctober 2010Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 7544Informational
RFC 6050ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension for the Identification of ServicesK. DrageNovember 2010    Informational
RFC 6072ASCII, PDF, HTMLCertificate Management Service for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)C. Jennings, J. Fischl, Ed.February 2011ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 6076ASCII, PDF, HTMLBasic Telephony SIP End-to-End Performance MetricsD. Malas, A. MortonJanuary 2011    Proposed Standard
RFC 6080ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Framework for Session Initiation Protocol User Agent Profile DeliveryD. Petrie, S. Channabasappa, Ed.March 2011    Proposed Standard
RFC 6086ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) INFO Method and Package FrameworkC. Holmberg, E. Burger, H. KaplanJanuary 2011Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2976Proposed Standard
RFC 6140ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataRegistration for Multiple Phone Numbers in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)A.B. RoachMarch 2011Errata, Updates RFC 3680Proposed Standard
RFC 6141ASCII, PDF, HTMLRe-INVITE and Target-Refresh Request Handling in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)G. Camarillo, Ed., C. Holmberg, Y. GaoMarch 2011Updates RFC 3261Proposed Standard
RFC 6157ASCII, PDF, HTMLIPv6 Transition in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)G. Camarillo, K. El Malki, V. GurbaniApril 2011Errata, Updates RFC 3264Proposed Standard
RFC 6193ASCII, PDF, HTMLMedia Description for the Internet Key Exchange Protocol (IKE) in the Session Description Protocol (SDP)M. Saito, D. Wing, M. ToyamaApril 2011    Informational
RFC 6216ASCII, PDF, HTMLExample Call Flows Using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Security MechanismsC. Jennings, K. Ono, R. Sparks, B. Hibbard, Ed.April 2011    Informational
RFC 6223ASCII, PDF, HTMLIndication of Support for Keep-AliveC. HolmbergApril 2011    Proposed Standard
RFC 6228ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Response Code for Indication of Terminated DialogC. HolmbergMay 2011ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 6271ASCII, PDF, HTMLRequirements for SIP-Based Session PeeringJ-F. MuleJune 2011    Informational
RFC 6314ASCII, PDF, HTMLNAT Traversal Practices for Client-Server SIPC. Boulton, J. Rosenberg, G. Camarillo, F. AudetJuly 2011    Informational
RFC 6337ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Usage of the Offer/Answer ModelS. Okumura, T. Sawada, P. KyzivatAugust 2011    Informational
RFC 6341ASCII, PDF, HTMLUse Cases and Requirements for SIP-Based Media Recording (SIPREC)K. Rehor, Ed., L. Portman, Ed., A. Hutton, R. JainAugust 2011    Informational
RFC 6357ASCII, PDF, HTMLDesign Considerations for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Overload ControlV. Hilt, E. Noel, C. Shen, A. AbdelalAugust 2011    Informational
RFC 6404ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession PEERing for Multimedia INTerconnect (SPEERMINT) Security Threats and Suggested CountermeasuresJ. Seedorf, S. Niccolini, E. Chen, H. ScholzNovember 2011    Informational
RFC 6405ASCII, PDF, HTMLVoice over IP (VoIP) SIP Peering Use CasesA. Uzelac, Ed., Y. Lee, Ed.November 2011    Informational
RFC 6432ASCII, PDF, HTMLCarrying Q.850 Codes in Reason Header Fields in SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) ResponsesR. Jesske, L. LiessNovember 2011    Proposed Standard
RFC 6442ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataLocation Conveyance for the Session Initiation ProtocolJ. Polk, B. Rosen, J. PetersonDecember 2011Errata, Updated by RFC 8262, RFC 8787Proposed Standard
RFC 6446ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Notification Extension for Notification Rate ControlA. Niemi, K. Kiss, S. LoretoJanuary 2012Updates RFC 3265Proposed Standard
RFC 6447ASCII, PDF, HTMLFiltering Location Notifications in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)R. Mahy, B. Rosen, H. TschofenigJanuary 2012    Proposed Standard
RFC 6461ASCII, PDF, HTMLData for Reachability of Inter-/Intra-NetworK SIP (DRINKS) Use Cases and Protocol RequirementsS. Channabasappa, Ed.January 2012    Informational
RFC 6468ASCII, PDF, HTMLSieve Notification Mechanism: SIP MESSAGEA. Melnikov, B. Leiba, K. LiFebruary 2012    Proposed Standard
RFC 6567ASCII, PDF, HTMLProblem Statement and Requirements for Transporting User-to-User Call Control Information in SIPA. Johnston, L. LiessApril 2012    Informational
RFC 6665ASCII, PDF, HTMLSIP-Specific Event NotificationA.B. RoachJuly 2012Obsoletes RFC 3265, Updates RFC 3261, RFC 4660, Updated by RFC 7621Proposed Standard
RFC 6794ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Framework for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Session PoliciesV. Hilt, G. Camarillo, J. RosenbergDecember 2012    Proposed Standard
RFC 6795ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Session-Specific PoliciesV. Hilt, G. CamarilloDecember 2012    Proposed Standard
RFC 6796ASCII, PDF, HTMLA User Agent Profile Data Set for Media PolicyV. Hilt, G. Camarillo, J. Rosenberg, D. WorleyDecember 2012    Proposed Standard
RFC 6809ASCII, PDF, HTMLMechanism to Indicate Support of Features and Capabilities in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)C. Holmberg, I. Sedlacek, H. KaplanNovember 2012    Proposed Standard
RFC 6872ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Common Log Format (CLF) for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Framework and Information ModelV. Gurbani, Ed., E. Burger, Ed., T. Anjali, H. Abdelnur, O. FestorFebruary 2013    Proposed Standard
RFC 6873ASCII, PDF, HTMLFormat for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Common Log Format (CLF)G. Salgueiro, V. Gurbani, A. B. RoachFebruary 2013Updated by RFC 7355Proposed Standard
RFC 6878ASCII, PDF, HTMLIANA Registry for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) "Priority" Header FieldA.B. RoachMarch 2013Errata, Updates RFC 3261Proposed Standard
RFC 6881 a.k.a. BCP 181

ASCII, PDF, HTMLBest Current Practice for Communications Services in Support of Emergency CallingB. Rosen, J. PolkMarch 2013Updated by RFC 7840, RFC 7852Best Current Practice
RFC 6910ASCII, PDF, HTMLCompletion of Calls for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)D. Worley, M. Huelsemann, R. Jesske, D. AlexeitsevApril 2013    Proposed Standard
RFC 6913ASCII, PDF, HTMLIndicating Fax over IP Capability in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)D. Hanes, G. Salgueiro, K. FlemingMarch 2013    Proposed Standard
RFC 6914ASCII, PDF, HTMLSIMPLE Made Simple: An Overview of the IETF Specifications for Instant Messaging and Presence Using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. RosenbergApril 2013    Informational
RFC 6940ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataREsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD) Base ProtocolC. Jennings, B. Lowekamp, Ed., E. Rescorla, S. Baset, H. SchulzrinneJanuary 2014ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 6993ASCII, PDF, HTMLInstant Messaging and Presence Purpose for the Call-Info Header Field in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)P. Saint-AndreJuly 2013    Informational
RFC 7044ASCII, PDF, HTMLAn Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Request History InformationM. Barnes, F. Audet, S. Schubert, J. van Elburg, C. HolmbergFebruary 2014Errata, Obsoletes RFC 4244Proposed Standard
RFC 7081ASCII, PDF, HTMLCUSAX: Combined Use of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)E. Ivov, P. Saint-Andre, E. MaroccoNovember 2013    Informational
RFC 7090ASCII, PDF, HTMLPublic Safety Answering Point (PSAP) CallbackH. Schulzrinne, H. Tschofenig, C. Holmberg, M. PatelApril 2014    Proposed Standard
RFC 7092ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Taxonomy of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Back-to-Back User AgentsH. Kaplan, V. PascualDecember 2013    Informational
RFC 7106ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Group Text Chat Purpose for Conference and Service URIs in the SIP Event Package for Conference StateE. IvovJanuary 2014    Informational
RFC 7118ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe WebSocket Protocol as a Transport for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)I. Baz Castillo, J. Millan Villegas, V. PascualJanuary 2014ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 7131ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) History-Info Header Call Flow ExamplesM. Barnes, F. Audet, S. Schubert, H. van Elburg, C. HolmbergMarch 2014    Informational
RFC 7135ASCII, PDF, HTMLRegistering a SIP Resource Priority Header Field Namespace for Local Emergency CommunicationsJ. PolkMay 2014    Informational
RFC 7163ASCII, PDF, HTMLURN for Country-Specific Emergency ServicesC. Holmberg, I. SedlacekMarch 2014Updates RFC 5031Proposed Standard
RFC 7200ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Load-Control Event PackageC. Shen, H. Schulzrinne, A. KoikeApril 2014    Proposed Standard
RFC 7245ASCII, PDF, HTMLAn Architecture for Media Recording Using the Session Initiation ProtocolA. Hutton, Ed., L. Portman, Ed., R. Jain, K. RehorMay 2014    Informational
RFC 7247ASCII, PDF, HTMLInterworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Architecture, Addresses, and Error HandlingP. Saint-Andre, A. Houri, J. HildebrandMay 2014    Proposed Standard
RFC 7248ASCII, PDF, HTMLInterworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): PresenceP. Saint-Andre, A. Houri, J. HildebrandMay 2014Obsoleted by RFC 8048Proposed Standard
RFC 7255ASCII, PDF, HTMLUsing the International Mobile station Equipment Identity (IMEI) Uniform Resource Name (URN) as an Instance IDA. Allen, Ed.May 2014    Informational
RFC 7315ASCII, PDF, HTMLPrivate Header (P-Header) Extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for the 3GPPR. Jesske, K. Drage, C. HolmbergJuly 2014Errata, Obsoletes RFC 3455, Updated by RFC 7913, RFC 7976Informational
RFC 7316ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) P-Private-Network-Indication Private Header (P-Header)J. van Elburg, K. Drage, M. Ohsugi, S. Schubert, K. AraiJuly 2014    Informational
RFC 7329ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Session Identifier for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)H. KaplanAugust 2014Obsoleted by RFC 7989Informational
RFC 7332ASCII, PDF, HTMLLoop Detection Mechanisms for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Back-to-Back User Agents (B2BUAs)H. Kaplan, V. PascualAugust 2014ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 7339ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Overload ControlV. Gurbani, Ed., V. Hilt, H. SchulzrinneSeptember 2014    Proposed Standard
RFC 7340ASCII, PDF, HTMLSecure Telephone Identity Problem Statement and RequirementsJ. Peterson, H. Schulzrinne, H. TschofenigSeptember 2014    Informational
RFC 7345ASCII, PDF, HTMLUDP Transport Layer (UDPTL) over Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)C. Holmberg, I. Sedlacek, G. SalgueiroAugust 2014Updated by RFC 8842Proposed Standard
RFC 7355ASCII, PDF, HTMLIndicating WebSocket Protocol as a Transport in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Common Log Format (CLF)G. Salgueiro, V. Pascual, A. Roman, S. GarciaSeptember 2014Updates RFC 6873Informational
RFC 7363ASCII, PDF, HTMLSelf-Tuning Distributed Hash Table (DHT) for REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD)J. Maenpaa, G. CamarilloSeptember 2014    Proposed Standard
RFC 7374ASCII, PDF, HTMLService Discovery Usage for REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD)J. Maenpaa, G. CamarilloOctober 2014    Proposed Standard
RFC 7375ASCII, PDF, HTMLSecure Telephone Identity Threat ModelJ. PetersonOctober 2014    Informational
RFC 7403ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Media-Based Traceroute Function for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)H. KaplanNovember 2014    Proposed Standard
RFC 7415ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Rate ControlE. Noel, P. WilliamsFebruary 2015    Proposed Standard
RFC 7433ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Mechanism for Transporting User-to-User Call Control Information in SIPA. Johnston, J. RaffertyJanuary 2015    Proposed Standard
RFC 7434ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataInterworking ISDN Call Control User Information with SIPK. Drage, Ed., A. JohnstonJanuary 2015ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 7462ASCII, PDF, HTMLURNs for the Alert-Info Header Field of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)L. Liess, Ed., R. Jesske, A. Johnston, D. Worley, P. KyzivatMarch 2015Updates RFC 3261Proposed Standard
RFC 7463ASCII, PDF, HTMLShared Appearances of a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Address of Record (AOR)A. Johnston, Ed., M. Soroushnejad, Ed., V. VenkataramananMarch 2015Errata, Updates RFC 3261, RFC 4235Proposed Standard
RFC 7501ASCII, PDF, HTMLTerminology for Benchmarking Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Devices: Basic Session Setup and RegistrationC. Davids, V. Gurbani, S. PoretskyApril 2015    Informational
RFC 7502ASCII, PDF, HTMLMethodology for Benchmarking Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Devices: Basic Session Setup and RegistrationC. Davids, V. Gurbani, S. PoretskyApril 2015    Informational
RFC 7544ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataMapping and Interworking of Diversion Information between Diversion and History-Info Header Fields in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)M. MohaliAugust 2015Errata, Obsoletes RFC 6044Informational
RFC 7549ASCII, PDF, HTML3GPP SIP URI Inter-Operator Traffic Leg ParameterC. Holmberg, J. Holm, R. Jesske, M. DollyMay 2015    Proposed Standard
RFC 7572ASCII, PDF, HTMLInterworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Instant MessagingP. Saint-Andre, A. Houri, J. HildebrandJune 2015    Proposed Standard
RFC 7573ASCII, PDF, HTMLInterworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): One-to-One Text Chat SessionsP. Saint-Andre, S. LoretoJune 2015    Proposed Standard
RFC 7584ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataSession Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) Message Handling for SIP Back-to-Back User Agents (B2BUAs)R. Ravindranath, T. Reddy, G. SalgueiroJuly 2015ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 7614ASCII, PDF, HTMLExplicit Subscriptions for the REFER MethodR. SparksAugust 2015    Proposed Standard
RFC 7621ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Clarification on the Use of Globally Routable User Agent URIs (GRUUs) in the SIP Event Notification FrameworkA.B. RoachAugust 2015Updates RFC 6665Proposed Standard
RFC 7700ASCII, PDF, HTMLPreparation, Enforcement, and Comparison of Internationalized Strings Representing NicknamesP. Saint-AndreDecember 2015Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 8266Proposed Standard
RFC 7702ASCII, PDF, HTMLInterworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): GroupchatP. Saint-Andre, S. Ibarra, S. LoretoDecember 2015    Proposed Standard
RFC 7851ASCII, PDF, HTMLPeer-to-Peer (P2P) Overlay DiagnosticsH. Song, X. Jiang, R. Even, D. Bryan, Y. SunMay 2016    Proposed Standard
RFC 7865ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Recording MetadataR. Ravindranath, P. Ravindran, P. KyzivatMay 2016    Proposed Standard
RFC 7866ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Recording ProtocolL. Portman, H. Lum, Ed., C. Eckel, A. Johnston, A. HuttonMay 2016ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 7877ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Peering Provisioning Framework (SPPF)K. Cartwright, V. Bhatia, S. Ali, D. SchwartzAugust 2016    Proposed Standard
RFC 7878ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Peering Provisioning (SPP) Protocol over SOAPK. Cartwright, V. Bhatia, J-F. Mule, A. MayrhoferAugust 2016    Proposed Standard
RFC 7879ASCII, PDF, HTMLDTLS-SRTP Handling in SIP Back-to-Back User AgentsR. Ravindranath, T. Reddy, G. Salgueiro, V. Pascual, P. RavindranMay 2016    Proposed Standard
RFC 7890ASCII, PDF, HTMLConcepts and Terminology for Peer-to-Peer SIP (P2PSIP)D. Bryan, P. Matthews, E. Shim, D. Willis, S. DawkinsJune 2016    Informational
RFC 7904ASCII, PDF, HTMLA SIP Usage for REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD)C. Jennings, B. Lowekamp, E. Rescorla, S. Baset, H. Schulzrinne, T. Schmidt, Ed.October 2016    Proposed Standard
RFC 7957 part of BCP 67

ASCII, PDF, HTMLDISPATCH-Style Working Groups and the SIP Change ProcessB. Campbell, Ed., A. Cooper, B. LeibaAugust 2016Updates RFC 5727Best Current Practice
RFC 7976ASCII, PDF, HTMLUpdates to Private Header (P-Header) Extension Usage in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Requests and ResponsesC. Holmberg, N. Biondic, G. SalgueiroSeptember 2016Errata, Updates RFC 7315Informational
RFC 7984ASCII, PDF, HTMLLocating Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Servers in a Dual-Stack IP NetworkO. Johansson, G. Salgueiro, V. Gurbani, D. Worley, Ed.September 2016Updates RFC 3263Proposed Standard
RFC 7989ASCII, PDF, HTMLEnd-to-End Session Identification in IP-Based Multimedia Communication NetworksP. Jones, G. Salgueiro, C. Pearce, P. GiraltOctober 2016Obsoletes RFC 7329Proposed Standard
RFC 8048ASCII, PDF, HTMLInterworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): PresenceP. Saint-AndreDecember 2016Obsoletes RFC 7248Proposed Standard
RFC 8055ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Via Header Field Parameter to Indicate Received RealmC. Holmberg, Y. JiangJanuary 2017    Proposed Standard
RFC 8068ASCII, PDF, HTMLSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Recording Call FlowsR. Ravindranath, P. Ravindran, P. KyzivatFebruary 2017    Informational
RFC 8076ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Usage for Shared Resources in RELOAD (ShaRe)A. Knauf, T. Schmidt, Ed., G. Hege, M. WaehlischMarch 2017    Proposed Standard
RFC 8101ASCII, PDF, HTMLIANA Registration of New Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Resource-Priority Namespace for Mission Critical Push To Talk ServiceC. Holmberg, J. AxellMarch 2017    Informational
RFC 8119ASCII, PDF, HTMLSIP "cause" URI Parameter for Service Number TranslationM. Mohali, M. BarnesMarch 2017Updates RFC 4458Informational
RFC 8123ASCII, PDF, HTMLRequirements for Marking SIP Messages to be LoggedP. Dawes, C. ArunachalamMarch 2017    Informational
RFC 8197ASCII, PDF, HTMLA SIP Response Code for Unwanted CallsH. SchulzrinneJuly 2017    Proposed Standard
RFC 8217ASCII, PDF, HTMLClarifications for When to Use the name-addr Production in SIP MessagesR. SparksAugust 2017Updates RFC 3261, RFC 3325, RFC 3515, RFC 3892, RFC 4508, RFC 5002, RFC 5318, RFC 5360, RFC 5502Proposed Standard
RFC 8224ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataAuthenticated Identity Management in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)J. Peterson, C. Jennings, E. Rescorla, C. WendtFebruary 2018Errata, Obsoletes RFC 4474, Updated by RFC 8946Proposed Standard
RFC 8262ASCII, PDF, HTMLContent-ID Header Field in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)C. Holmberg, I. SedlacekOctober 2017Updates RFC 5621, RFC 5368, RFC 6442Proposed Standard
RFC 8266TEXT, PDF, HTMLPreparation, Enforcement, and Comparison of Internationalized Strings Representing NicknamesP. Saint-AndreOctober 2017Obsoletes RFC 7700Proposed Standard
RFC 8373ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataNegotiating Human Language in Real-Time CommunicationsR. GellensMay 2018Errata, Updated by RFC 8865Proposed Standard
RFC 8396ASCII, PDF, HTMLManaging, Ordering, Distributing, Exposing, and Registering Telephone Numbers (MODERN): Problem Statement, Use Cases, and FrameworkJ. Peterson, T. McGarryJuly 2018    Informational
RFC 8433ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Simpler Method for Resolving Alert-Info URNsD. WorleyAugust 2018    Informational
RFC 8443ASCII, PDF, HTMLPersonal Assertion Token (PASSporT) Extension for Resource Priority AuthorizationR. Singh, M. Dolly, S. Das, A. NguyenAugust 2018    Proposed Standard
RFC 8489ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataSession Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)M. Petit-Huguenin, G. Salgueiro, J. Rosenberg, D. Wing, R. Mahy, P. MatthewsFebruary 2020Errata, Obsoletes RFC 5389Proposed Standard
RFC 8496ASCII, PDF, HTMLP-Charge-Info: A Private Header Field (P-Header) Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)D. York, T. AsverenOctober 2018    Informational
RFC 8497ASCII, PDF, HTMLMarking SIP Messages to Be LoggedP. Dawes, C. ArunachalamNovember 2018    Proposed Standard
RFC 8498ASCII, PDF, HTMLA P-Served-User Header Field Parameter for an Originating Call Diversion (CDIV) Session Case in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)M. MohaliFebruary 2019Updates RFC 5502Informational
RFC 8507ASCII, PDF, HTMLSimple Internet Protocol (SIP) SpecificationS. Deering, R. Hinden, Ed.December 2018    Historic
RFC 8591ASCII, PDF, HTMLSIP-Based Messaging with S/MIMEB. Campbell, R. HousleyApril 2019Updates RFC 3261, RFC 3428, RFC 4975Proposed Standard
RFC 8599ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataPush Notification with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)C. Holmberg, M. ArnoldMay 2019ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 8606ASCII, PDF, HTMLISDN User Part (ISUP) Cause Location Parameter for the SIP Reason Header FieldR. JesskeJune 2019Updates RFC 3326Proposed Standard
RFC 8688HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLA Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Response Code for Rejected CallsE.W. Burger, B. NagdaDecember 2019ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 8760HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLThe Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Digest Access Authentication SchemeR. Shekh-YusefMarch 2020Updates RFC 3261Proposed Standard
RFC 8787HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLLocation Source Parameter for the SIP Geolocation Header FieldJ. Winterbottom, R. Jesske, B. Chatras, A. HuttonMay 2020Updates RFC 6442Proposed Standard
RFC 8816HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLSecure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR) Out-of-Band Architecture and Use CasesE. Rescorla, J. PetersonFebruary 2021    Informational
RFC 8840HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLA Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Usage for Incremental Provisioning of Candidates for the Interactive Connectivity Establishment (Trickle ICE)E. Ivov, T. Stach, E. Marocco, C. HolmbergJanuary 2021    Proposed Standard
RFC 8844HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLUnknown Key-Share Attacks on Uses of TLS with the Session Description Protocol (SDP)M. Thomson, E. RescorlaJanuary 2021Updates RFC 8122Proposed Standard
RFC 8850HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLControlling Multiple Streams for Telepresence (CLUE) Protocol Data ChannelC. HolmbergJanuary 2021    Experimental
RFC 8862 a.k.a. BCP 228

HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLBest Practices for Securing RTP Media Signaled with SIPJ. Peterson, R. Barnes, R. HousleyJanuary 2021    Best Current Practice
RFC 8866HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLSDP: Session Description ProtocolA. Begen, P. Kyzivat, C. Perkins, M. HandleyJanuary 2021Obsoletes RFC 4566Proposed Standard
RFC 8898HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLThird-Party Token-Based Authentication and Authorization for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)R. Shekh-Yusef, C. Holmberg, V. PascualSeptember 2020Errata, Updates RFC 3261Proposed Standard
RFC 8946HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLPersonal Assertion Token (PASSporT) Extension for Diverted CallsJ. PetersonFebruary 2021Updates RFC 8224Proposed Standard
RFC 9027HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLAssertion Values for Resource Priority Header and SIP Priority Header Claims in Support of Emergency Services NetworksM. Dolly, C. WendtJune 2021    Proposed Standard
RFC 9060HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLSecure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR) Certificate DelegationJ. PetersonSeptember 2021    Proposed Standard
RFC 9071HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLRTP-Mixer Formatting of Multiparty Real-Time TextG. HellströmJuly 2021Updates RFC 4103Proposed Standard
RFC 9366HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLMultiple SIP Reason Header Field ValuesR. SparksMarch 2023Updates RFC 3326Proposed Standard
RFC 9409HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLThe 'sip-trunking-capability' Link Relation TypeK. Inamdar, S. Narayanan, D. Engi, G. SalgueiroJuly 2023    Informational
RFC 9475HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLMessaging Use Cases and Extensions for Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR)J. Peterson, C. WendtDecember 2023    Proposed Standard