Downloading RFCs

Use rsync

The RFC Editor supports the rsync program, which can efficiently maintain a local copy of various subsets of the RFC Editor’s repository in sync with the official copy. The How-To page explains how to specify the desired subset of the repository, using a template called a module by rsync. For details on files that are available, please see this page.

Get TAR or ZIP files of RFCs

All RFCs TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP* TAR or ZIP**
RFC 8501 – latest TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP* TAR or ZIP**

* made available up to RFC 8649.
** made available from RFC 8650 onward.

RFC 8001 – 8500 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 7501 – 8000 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 7001 – 7500 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 6501 – 7000 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 6001 – 6500 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 5501 – 6000 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 5001 – 5500 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 4501 – 5000 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 4001 – 4500 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 3501 – 4000 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 3001 – 3500 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 2501 – 3000 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 2001 – 2500 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 1501 – 2000 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 1001 – 1500 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 501 – 1000 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP
RFC 1 – 500 TAR or ZIP TAR or ZIP

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