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180 results ( Show  25  | All )

NumberFilesTitleAuthorsDateMore InfoStatus
RFC 1945ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0 T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, H. FrystykMay 1996ErrataInformational
RFC 2039ASCII, PDF, HTML Applicability of Standards Track MIBs to Management of World Wide Web Servers C. KalbfleischNovember 1996    Informational
RFC 2068ASCII, PDF, HTML Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, T. Berners-LeeJanuary 1997Obsoleted by RFC 2616Proposed Standard
RFC 2069ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata An Extension to HTTP : Digest Access Authentication J. Franks, P. Hallam-Baker, J. Hostetler, P. Leach, A. Luotonen, E. Sink, L. StewartJanuary 1997Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 2617Proposed Standard
RFC 2109ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP State Management Mechanism D. Kristol, L. MontulliFebruary 1997Obsoleted by RFC 2965Historic (changed from Proposed Standard April 2011)
RFC 2145ASCII, PDF, HTML Use and Interpretation of HTTP Version Numbers J. C. Mogul, R. Fielding, J. Gettys, H. FrystykMay 1997Obsoleted by RFC 7230Informational
RFC 2169ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Trivial Convention for using HTTP in URN Resolution R. DanielJune 1997    Historic (changed from Experimental December 2021)
RFC 2186ASCII, PDF, HTML Internet Cache Protocol (ICP), version 2 D. Wessels, K. ClaffySeptember 1997    Informational
RFC 2227ASCII, PDF, HTML Simple Hit-Metering and Usage-Limiting for HTTP J. Mogul, P. LeachOctober 1997    Proposed Standard
RFC 2295ASCII, PDF, HTML Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP K. Holtman, A. MutzMarch 1998    Experimental
RFC 2296ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP Remote Variant Selection Algorithm -- RVSA/1.0 K. Holtman, A. MutzMarch 1998ErrataHistoric (changed from Experimental December 2021)
RFC 2310ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Safe Response Header Field K. HoltmanApril 1998    Historic (changed from Experimental December 2021)
RFC 2518ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV Y. Goland, E. Whitehead, A. Faizi, S. Carter, D. JensenFebruary 1999Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 4918Proposed Standard
RFC 2585ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataInternet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Operational Protocols: FTP and HTTP R. Housley, P. HoffmanMay 1999ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 2616ASCII, PDF, PS, PDF with Images, HTML, HTML with inline errataHypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-LeeJune 1999Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2068, Obsoleted by RFC 7230, RFC 7231, RFC 7232, RFC 7233, RFC 7234, RFC 7235, Updated by RFC 2817, RFC 5785, RFC 6266, RFC 6585Draft Standard
RFC 2617ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataHTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication J. Franks, P. Hallam-Baker, J. Hostetler, S. Lawrence, P. Leach, A. Luotonen, L. StewartJune 1999Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2069, Obsoleted by RFC 7235, RFC 7615, RFC 7616, RFC 7617Draft Standard
RFC 2660ASCII, PDF, HTML The Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol E. Rescorla, A. SchiffmanAugust 1999    Historic (changed from Experimental December 2021)
RFC 2756ASCII, PDF, HTML Hyper Text Caching Protocol (HTCP/0.0) P. Vixie, D. WesselsJanuary 2000    Experimental
RFC 2774ASCII, PDF, HTML An HTTP Extension Framework H. Nielsen, P. Leach, S. LawrenceFebruary 2000    Historic (changed from Experimental December 2021)
RFC 2817ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Upgrading to TLS Within HTTP/1.1 R. Khare, S. LawrenceMay 2000Errata, Updates RFC 2616, Updated by RFC 7230, RFC 7231Proposed Standard
RFC 2818ASCII, PDF, HTML HTTP Over TLS E. RescorlaMay 2000Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 9110, Updated by RFC 5785, RFC 7230Informational
RFC 2831ASCII, PDF, HTML Using Digest Authentication as a SASL Mechanism P. Leach, C. NewmanMay 2000Obsoleted by RFC 6331Historic (changed from Proposed Standard July 2011)
RFC 2935ASCII, PDF, HTML Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP) HTTP Supplement D. Eastlake 3rd, C. SmithSeptember 2000    Proposed Standard
RFC 2936ASCII, PDF, HTML HTTP MIME Type Handler Detection D. Eastlake 3rd, C. Smith, D. SorokaSeptember 2000    Informational
RFC 2965ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata HTTP State Management Mechanism D. Kristol, L. MontulliOctober 2000Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2109, Obsoleted by RFC 6265Historic (changed from Proposed Standard April 2011)
RFC 2964 a.k.a. BCP 44

ASCII, PDF, HTML Use of HTTP State Management K. Moore, N. FreedOctober 2000    Best Current Practice
RFC 3023ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata XML Media Types M. Murata, S. St. Laurent, D. KohnJanuary 2001Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2376, Obsoleted by RFC 7303, Updates RFC 2048, Updated by RFC 6839Proposed Standard
RFC 3143ASCII, PDF, HTML Known HTTP Proxy/Caching Problems I. Cooper, J. DilleyJune 2001ErrataInformational
RFC 3229ASCII, PDF, HTML Delta encoding in HTTP J. Mogul, B. Krishnamurthy, F. Douglis, A. Feldmann, Y. Goland, A. van Hoff, D. HellersteinJanuary 2002    Proposed Standard
RFC 3230ASCII, PDF, HTML Instance Digests in HTTP J. Mogul, A. Van HoffJanuary 2002Obsoleted by RFC 9530Proposed Standard
RFC 3205ASCII, PDF, HTML On the use of HTTP as a Substrate K. MooreFebruary 2002Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 9205Best Current Practice
RFC 3253ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Versioning Extensions to WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) G. Clemm, J. Amsden, T. Ellison, C. Kaler, J. WhiteheadMarch 2002ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 3310ASCII, PDF, HTML Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Digest Authentication Using Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) A. Niemi, J. Arkko, V. TorvinenSeptember 2002    Informational
RFC 3507ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataInternet Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP) J. Elson, A. CerpaApril 2003ErrataInformational
RFC 3864 a.k.a. BCP 90

ASCII, PDF, HTML Registration Procedures for Message Header Fields G. Klyne, M. Nottingham, J. MogulSeptember 2004Updated by RFC 9110Best Current Practice
RFC 4130ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataMIME-Based Secure Peer-to-Peer Business Data Interchange Using HTTP, Applicability Statement 2 (AS2)D. Moberg, R. DrummondJuly 2005ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 4236ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP Adaptation with Open Pluggable Edge Services (OPES)A. Rousskov, M. StecherNovember 2005    Proposed Standard
RFC 4169ASCII, PDF, HTMLHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Digest Authentication Using Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) Version-2V. Torvinen, J. Arkko, M. NaslundNovember 2005    Informational
RFC 4229ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP Header Field RegistrationsM. Nottingham, J. MogulDecember 2005ErrataInformational
RFC 4387ASCII, PDF, HTMLInternet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Operational Protocols: Certificate Store Access via HTTPP. Gutmann, Ed.February 2006Updated by RFC 8553Proposed Standard
RFC 4437ASCII, PDF, HTMLWeb Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Redirect Reference ResourcesJ. Whitehead, G. Clemm, J. Reschke, Ed.March 2006    Experimental
RFC 4559ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataSPNEGO-based Kerberos and NTLM HTTP Authentication in Microsoft WindowsK. Jaganathan, L. Zhu, J. BrezakJune 2006ErrataInformational
RFC 4590ASCII, PDF, HTMLRADIUS Extension for Digest AuthenticationB. Sterman, D. Sadolevsky, D. Schwartz, D. Williams, W. BeckJuly 2006Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 5090Proposed Standard
RFC 4791ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataCalendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV)C. Daboo, B. Desruisseaux, L. DusseaultMarch 2007Errata, Updated by RFC 5689, RFC 6638, RFC 6764, RFC 7809, RFC 7953, RFC 8996Proposed Standard
RFC 4826ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataExtensible Markup Language (XML) Formats for Representing Resource ListsJ. RosenbergMay 2007ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 4825ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Extensible Markup Language (XML) Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP)J. RosenbergMay 2007    Proposed Standard
RFC 4918ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataHTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)L. Dusseault, Ed.June 2007Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2518, Updated by RFC 5689Proposed Standard
RFC 5019ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataThe Lightweight Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Profile for High-Volume EnvironmentsA. Deacon, R. HurstSeptember 2007Errata, Updated by RFC 8996Proposed Standard
RFC 5023ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataThe Atom Publishing ProtocolJ. Gregorio, Ed., B. de hOra, Ed.October 2007Errata, Updated by RFC 8996Proposed Standard
RFC 5090ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataRADIUS Extension for Digest AuthenticationB. Sterman, D. Sadolevsky, D. Schwartz, D. Williams, W. BeckFebruary 2008Errata, Obsoletes RFC 4590Proposed Standard
RFC 5273ASCII, PDF, HTMLCertificate Management over CMS (CMC): Transport ProtocolsJ. Schaad, M. MyersJune 2008Errata, Updated by RFC 6402Proposed Standard
RFC 5278ASCII, PDF, HTMLIANA Registration of Enumservices for Voice and Video MessagingJ. Livingood, D. TroshynskiJuly 2008Updated by RFC 6118Proposed Standard
RFC 5323ASCII, PDF, HTMLWeb Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) SEARCHJ. Reschke, Ed., S. Reddy, J. Davis, A. BabichNovember 2008    Proposed Standard
RFC 5397ASCII, PDF, HTMLWebDAV Current Principal ExtensionW. Sanchez, C. DabooDecember 2008    Proposed Standard
RFC 5689ASCII, PDF, HTMLExtended MKCOL for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)C. DabooSeptember 2009Updates RFC 4791, RFC 4918Proposed Standard
RFC 5789ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataPATCH Method for HTTPL. Dusseault, J. SnellMarch 2010ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 5842ASCII, PDF, HTMLBinding Extensions to Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)G. Clemm, J. Crawford, J. Reschke, Ed., J. WhiteheadApril 2010    Experimental
RFC 5843ASCII, PDF, HTMLAdditional Hash Algorithms for HTTP Instance DigestsA. BryanApril 2010ErrataInformational
RFC 5861ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataHTTP Cache-Control Extensions for Stale ContentM. NottinghamMay 2010ErrataInformational
RFC 5854ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Metalink Download Description FormatA. Bryan, T. Tsujikawa, N. McNab, P. PoemlJune 2010    Proposed Standard
RFC 5987ASCII, PDF, HTMLCharacter Set and Language Encoding for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Header Field ParametersJ. ReschkeAugust 2010Obsoleted by RFC 8187Historic (changed from Proposed Standard September 2017)
RFC 5985ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP-Enabled Location Delivery (HELD)M. Barnes, Ed.September 2010Updated by RFC 7840Proposed Standard
RFC 5995ASCII, PDF, HTMLUsing POST to Add Members to Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) CollectionsJ. ReschkeSeptember 2010    Proposed Standard
RFC 5989ASCII, PDF, HTMLA SIP Event Package for Subscribing to Changes to an HTTP ResourceA.B. RoachOctober 2010    Proposed Standard
RFC 5988ASCII, PDF, HTMLWeb LinkingM. NottinghamOctober 2010Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 8288, Updates RFC 4287Proposed Standard
RFC 6011ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) User Agent ConfigurationS. Lawrence, Ed., J. ElwellOctober 2010ErrataInformational
RFC 6155ASCII, PDF, HTMLUse of Device Identity in HTTP-Enabled Location Delivery (HELD)J. Winterbottom, M. Thomson, H. Tschofenig, R. BarnesMarch 2011Updated by RFC 6915Proposed Standard
RFC 6202ASCII, PDF, HTMLKnown Issues and Best Practices for the Use of Long Polling and Streaming in Bidirectional HTTPS. Loreto, P. Saint-Andre, S. Salsano, G. WilkinsApril 2011    Informational
RFC 6265ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataHTTP State Management MechanismA. BarthApril 2011Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2965Proposed Standard
RFC 6266ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataUse of the Content-Disposition Header Field in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)J. ReschkeJune 2011Errata, Updates RFC 2616Proposed Standard
RFC 6249ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataMetalink/HTTP: Mirrors and HashesA. Bryan, N. McNab, T. Tsujikawa, P. Poeml, H. NordstromJune 2011ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 6331ASCII, PDF, HTMLMoving DIGEST-MD5 to HistoricA. MelnikovJuly 2011Obsoletes RFC 2831Informational
RFC 6546ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataTransport of Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID) Messages over HTTP/TLSB. TrammellApril 2012Errata, Obsoletes RFC 6046Proposed Standard
RFC 6585ASCII, PDF, HTMLAdditional HTTP Status CodesM. Nottingham, R. FieldingApril 2012Errata, Updates RFC 2616Proposed Standard
RFC 6638ASCII, PDF, HTMLScheduling Extensions to CalDAVC. Daboo, B. DesruisseauxJune 2012Updates RFC 4791, RFC 5546, Updated by RFC 7953Proposed Standard
RFC 6690ASCII, PDF, HTMLConstrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) Link FormatZ. ShelbyAugust 2012ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 6712ASCII, PDF, HTMLInternet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure -- HTTP Transfer for the Certificate Management Protocol (CMP)T. Kause, M. PeyloSeptember 2012Updates RFC 4210, Updated by RFC 9480Proposed Standard
RFC 6753ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Location Dereference Protocol Using HTTP-Enabled Location Delivery (HELD)J. Winterbottom, H. Tschofenig, H. Schulzrinne, M. ThomsonOctober 2012    Proposed Standard
RFC 6797ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)J. Hodges, C. Jackson, A. BarthNovember 2012ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 6819ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataOAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security ConsiderationsT. Lodderstedt, Ed., M. McGloin, P. HuntJanuary 2013Errata, Updated by RFC 9700Informational
RFC 6896ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataSCS: KoanLogic's Secure Cookie Sessions for HTTPS. Barbato, S. Dorigotti, T. Fossati, Ed.March 2013ErrataInformational
RFC 6903ASCII, PDF, HTMLAdditional Link Relation TypesJ. SnellMarch 2013    Informational
RFC 6915ASCII, PDF, HTMLFlow Identity Extension for HTTP-Enabled Location Delivery (HELD)R. BellisApril 2013Updates RFC 6155Proposed Standard
RFC 6983ASCII, PDF, HTMLModels for HTTP-Adaptive-Streaming-Aware Content Distribution Network Interconnection (CDNI)R. van Brandenburg, O. van Deventer, F. Le Faucheur, K. LeungJuly 2013    Informational
RFC 7034ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP Header Field X-Frame-OptionsD. Ross, T. GondromOctober 2013    Informational
RFC 7089ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP Framework for Time-Based Access to Resource States -- MementoH. Van de Sompel, M. Nelson, R. SandersonDecember 2013    Informational
RFC 7239ASCII, PDF, HTMLForwarded HTTP ExtensionA. Petersson, M. NilssonJune 2014ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 7238ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Hypertext Transfer Protocol Status Code 308 (Permanent Redirect)J. ReschkeJune 2014Obsoleted by RFC 7538Experimental
RFC 7240ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataPrefer Header for HTTPJ. SnellJune 2014Errata, Updated by RFC 8144Proposed Standard
RFC 7230ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and RoutingR. Fielding, Ed., J. Reschke, Ed.June 2014Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2145, RFC 2616, Obsoleted by RFC 9110, RFC 9112, Updates RFC 2817, RFC 2818, Updated by RFC 8615Proposed Standard
RFC 7231ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and ContentR. Fielding, Ed., J. Reschke, Ed.June 2014Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2616, Obsoleted by RFC 9110, Updates RFC 2817Proposed Standard
RFC 7232ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Conditional RequestsR. Fielding, Ed., J. Reschke, Ed.June 2014Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2616, Obsoleted by RFC 9110Proposed Standard
RFC 7233ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Range RequestsR. Fielding, Ed., Y. Lafon, Ed., J. Reschke, Ed.June 2014Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2616, Obsoleted by RFC 9110Proposed Standard
RFC 7234ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): CachingR. Fielding, Ed., M. Nottingham, Ed., J. Reschke, Ed.June 2014Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2616, Obsoleted by RFC 9111Proposed Standard
RFC 7235ASCII, PDF, HTMLHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): AuthenticationR. Fielding, Ed., J. Reschke, Ed.June 2014Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2616, RFC 2617, Obsoleted by RFC 9110Proposed Standard
RFC 7236ASCII, PDF, HTMLInitial Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Authentication Scheme RegistrationsJ. ReschkeJune 2014    Informational
RFC 7237ASCII, PDF, HTMLInitial Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Method RegistrationsJ. ReschkeJune 2014    Informational
RFC 7386ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataJSON Merge PatchP. Hoffman, J. SnellOctober 2014Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 7396Proposed Standard
RFC 7396ASCII, PDF, HTMLJSON Merge PatchP. Hoffman, J. SnellOctober 2014Obsoletes RFC 7386Proposed Standard
RFC 7472ASCII, PDF, HTMLInternet Printing Protocol (IPP) over HTTPS Transport Binding and the 'ipps' URI SchemeI. McDonald, M. SweetMarch 2015Updates RFC 2910, RFC 2911Proposed Standard
RFC 7486ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP Origin-Bound Authentication (HOBA)S. Farrell, P. Hoffman, M. ThomasMarch 2015    Experimental
RFC 7480 part of STD 95

ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP Usage in the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)A. Newton, B. Ellacott, N. KongMarch 2015    Internet Standard (changed from Proposed Standard March 2021)
RFC 7538ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Hypertext Transfer Protocol Status Code 308 (Permanent Redirect)J. ReschkeApril 2015Obsoletes RFC 7238, Obsoleted by RFC 9110Proposed Standard
RFC 7469ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataPublic Key Pinning Extension for HTTPC. Evans, C. Palmer, R. SleeviApril 2015ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 7540ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataHypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)M. Belshe, R. Peon, M. Thomson, Ed.May 2015Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 9113, Updated by RFC 8740Proposed Standard
RFC 7541ASCII, PDF, HTMLHPACK: Header Compression for HTTP/2R. Peon, H. RuellanMay 2015ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 7639ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe ALPN HTTP Header FieldA. Hutton, J. Uberti, M. ThomsonAugust 2015    Proposed Standard
RFC 7617ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe 'Basic' HTTP Authentication SchemeJ. ReschkeSeptember 2015Obsoletes RFC 2617Proposed Standard
RFC 7616ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataHTTP Digest Access AuthenticationR. Shekh-Yusef, Ed., D. Ahrens, S. BremerSeptember 2015Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2617Proposed Standard
RFC 7615ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP Authentication-Info and Proxy-Authentication-Info Response Header FieldsJ. ReschkeSeptember 2015Obsoletes RFC 2617, Obsoleted by RFC 9110Proposed Standard
RFC 7694ASCII, PDF, HTMLHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Client-Initiated Content-EncodingJ. ReschkeNovember 2015Obsoleted by RFC 9110Proposed Standard
RFC 7711ASCII, PDF, HTMLPKIX over Secure HTTP (POSH)M. Miller, P. Saint-AndreNovember 2015ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 7725ASCII, PDF, HTMLAn HTTP Status Code to Report Legal ObstaclesT. BrayFebruary 2016ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 7804ASCII, PDF, HTMLSalted Challenge Response HTTP Authentication MechanismA. MelnikovMarch 2016ErrataExperimental
RFC 7807ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataProblem Details for HTTP APIsM. Nottingham, E. WildeMarch 2016Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 9457Proposed Standard
RFC 7838ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP Alternative ServicesM. Nottingham, P. McManus, J. ReschkeApril 2016ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 7840ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Routing Request Extension for the HTTP-Enabled Location Delivery (HELD) ProtocolJ. Winterbottom, H. Tschofenig, L. LiessMay 2016Updates RFC 5985, RFC 6881Proposed Standard
RFC 7975ASCII, PDF, HTMLRequest Routing Redirection Interface for Content Delivery Network (CDN) InterconnectionB. Niven-Jenkins, Ed., R. van Brandenburg, Ed.October 2016    Proposed Standard
RFC 8030ASCII, PDF, HTMLGeneric Event Delivery Using HTTP PushM. Thomson, E. Damaggio, B. Raymor, Ed.December 2016    Proposed Standard
RFC 8053ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP Authentication Extensions for Interactive ClientsY. Oiwa, H. Watanabe, H. Takagi, K. Maeda, T. Hayashi, Y. IokuJanuary 2017    Experimental
RFC 8040ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataRESTCONF ProtocolA. Bierman, M. Bjorklund, K. WatsenJanuary 2017Errata, Updated by RFC 8527Proposed Standard
RFC 8075ASCII, PDF, HTMLGuidelines for Mapping Implementations: HTTP to the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)A. Castellani, S. Loreto, A. Rahman, T. Fossati, E. DijkFebruary 2017    Proposed Standard
RFC 8095ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataServices Provided by IETF Transport Protocols and Congestion Control MechanismsG. Fairhurst, Ed., B. Trammell, Ed., M. Kuehlewind, Ed.March 2017ErrataInformational
RFC 8121ASCII, PDF, HTMLMutual Authentication Protocol for HTTP: Cryptographic Algorithms Based on the Key Agreement Mechanism 3 (KAM3)Y. Oiwa, H. Watanabe, H. Takagi, K. Maeda, T. Hayashi, Y. IokuApril 2017    Experimental
RFC 8120ASCII, PDF, HTMLMutual Authentication Protocol for HTTPY. Oiwa, H. Watanabe, H. Takagi, K. Maeda, T. Hayashi, Y. IokuApril 2017    Experimental
RFC 8144ASCII, PDF, HTMLUse of the Prefer Header Field in Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)K. MurchisonApril 2017Updates RFC 7240Proposed Standard
RFC 8164ASCII, PDF, HTMLOpportunistic Security for HTTP/2M. Nottingham, M. ThomsonMay 2017ErrataHistoric (changed from Experimental December 2021)
RFC 8188ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataEncrypted Content-Encoding for HTTPM. ThomsonJune 2017ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 8216ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataHTTP Live StreamingR. Pantos, Ed., W. MayAugust 2017ErrataInformational
RFC 8187TEXT, PDF, HTMLIndicating Character Encoding and Language for HTTP Header Field ParametersJ. ReschkeSeptember 2017Obsoletes RFC 5987Proposed Standard
RFC 8246ASCII, PDF, HTMLHTTP Immutable ResponsesP. McManusSeptember 2017    Proposed Standard
RFC 8291ASCII, PDF, HTMLMessage Encryption for Web PushM. ThomsonNovember 2017ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 8297ASCII, PDF, HTMLAn HTTP Status Code for Indicating HintsK. OkuDecember 2017    Proposed Standard (changed from Experimental February 2025)
RFC 8336ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataThe ORIGIN HTTP/2 FrameM. Nottingham, E. NygrenMarch 2018ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 8441ASCII, PDF, HTMLBootstrapping WebSockets with HTTP/2P. McManusSeptember 2018Errata, Updates RFC 6455Proposed Standard
RFC 8470ASCII, PDF, HTMLUsing Early Data in HTTPM. Thomson, M. Nottingham, W. TarreauSeptember 2018    Proposed Standard
RFC 8473ASCII, PDF, HTMLToken Binding over HTTPA. Popov, M. Nystroem, D. Balfanz, Ed., N. Harper, J. HodgesOctober 2018    Proposed Standard
RFC 8484ASCII, PDF, HTMLDNS Queries over HTTPS (DoH)P. Hoffman, P. McManusOctober 2018ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 8555ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataAutomatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)R. Barnes, J. Hoffman-Andrews, D. McCarney, J. KastenMarch 2019ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 8594ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Sunset HTTP Header FieldE. WildeMay 2019    Informational
RFC 8673HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLHTTP Random Access and Live ContentC. Pratt, D. Thakore, B. StarkNovember 2019    Experimental
RFC 8674HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLThe "safe" HTTP PreferenceM. NottinghamDecember 2019    Informational
RFC 8740HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLUsing TLS 1.3 with HTTP/2D. BenjaminFebruary 2020Obsoleted by RFC 9113, Updates RFC 7540Proposed Standard
RFC 8935HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLPush-Based Security Event Token (SET) Delivery Using HTTPA. Backman, Ed., M. Jones, Ed., M. Scurtescu, M. Ansari, A. NadalinNovember 2020    Proposed Standard
RFC 8936HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLPoll-Based Security Event Token (SET) Delivery Using HTTPA. Backman, Ed., M. Jones, Ed., M. Scurtescu, M. Ansari, A. NadalinNovember 2020    Proposed Standard
RFC 8942HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLHTTP Client HintsI. Grigorik, Y. WeissFebruary 2021    Experimental
RFC 8941HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLStructured Field Values for HTTPM. Nottingham, P-H. KampFebruary 2021Obsoleted by RFC 9651Proposed Standard
RFC 9006HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLTCP Usage Guidance in the Internet of Things (IoT)C. Gomez, J. Crowcroft, M. ScharfMarch 2021    Informational
RFC 9111 a.k.a. STD 98

HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLHTTP CachingR. Fielding, Ed., M. Nottingham, Ed., J. Reschke, Ed.June 2022Errata, Obsoletes RFC 7234Internet Standard
RFC 9112 a.k.a. STD 99

HTML, TEXT, PDF, XML, HTML with inline errataHTTP/1.1R. Fielding, Ed., M. Nottingham, Ed., J. Reschke, Ed.June 2022Errata, Obsoletes RFC 7230Internet Standard
RFC 9110 a.k.a. STD 97

HTML, TEXT, PDF, XML, HTML with inline errataHTTP SemanticsR. Fielding, Ed., M. Nottingham, Ed., J. Reschke, Ed.June 2022Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2818, RFC 7230, RFC 7231, RFC 7232, RFC 7233, RFC 7235, RFC 7538, RFC 7615, RFC 7694, Updates RFC 3864Internet Standard
RFC 9218HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLExtensible Prioritization Scheme for HTTPK. Oku, L. PardueJune 2022ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 9113HTML, TEXT, PDF, XML, HTML with inline errataHTTP/2M. Thomson, Ed., C. Benfield, Ed.June 2022Errata, Obsoletes RFC 7540, RFC 8740Proposed Standard
RFC 9114HTML, TEXT, PDF, XML, HTML with inline errataHTTP/3M. Bishop, Ed.June 2022ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 9204HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLQPACK: Field Compression for HTTP/3C. Krasic, M. Bishop, A. Frindell, Ed.June 2022ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 9163HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLExpect-CT Extension for HTTPE. StarkJune 2022    Experimental
RFC 9230HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLOblivious DNS over HTTPSE. Kinnear, P. McManus, T. Pauly, T. Verma, C.A. WoodJune 2022ErrataExperimental
RFC 9205 a.k.a. BCP 56

HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLBuilding Protocols with HTTPM. NottinghamJune 2022Obsoletes RFC 3205Best Current Practice
RFC 9211HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLThe Cache-Status HTTP Response Header FieldM. NottinghamJune 2022    Proposed Standard
RFC 9209HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLThe Proxy-Status HTTP Response Header FieldM. Nottingham, P. SikoraJune 2022    Proposed Standard
RFC 9213HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLTargeted HTTP Cache ControlS. Ludin, M. Nottingham, Y. WuJune 2022    Proposed Standard
RFC 9220HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLBootstrapping WebSockets with HTTP/3R. HamiltonJune 2022    Proposed Standard
RFC 9264HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLLinkset: Media Types and a Link Relation Type for Link SetsE. Wilde, H. Van de SompelJuly 2022    Proposed Standard
RFC 9298HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLProxying UDP in HTTPD. SchinaziAugust 2022Updated by RFC 9484Proposed Standard
RFC 9297HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLHTTP Datagrams and the Capsule ProtocolD. Schinazi, L. PardueAugust 2022    Proposed Standard
RFC 9292HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLBinary Representation of HTTP MessagesM. Thomson, C. A. WoodAugust 2022    Proposed Standard
RFC 9412HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLThe ORIGIN Extension in HTTP/3M. BishopJune 2023    Proposed Standard
RFC 9440HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLClient-Cert HTTP Header FieldB. Campbell, M. BishopJuly 2023    Informational
RFC 9457HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLProblem Details for HTTP APIsM. Nottingham, E. Wilde, S. DalalJuly 2023Errata, Obsoletes RFC 7807Proposed Standard
RFC 9484HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLProxying IP in HTTPT. Pauly, Ed., D. Schinazi, A. Chernyakhovsky, M. Kühlewind, M. WesterlundOctober 2023Updates RFC 9298Proposed Standard
RFC 9460HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLService Binding and Parameter Specification via the DNS (SVCB and HTTPS Resource Records)B. Schwartz, M. Bishop, E. NygrenNovember 2023ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 9458HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLOblivious HTTPM. Thomson, C. A. WoodJanuary 2024ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 9532HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLHTTP Proxy-Status Parameter for Next-Hop AliasesT. PaulyJanuary 2024    Proposed Standard
RFC 9421HTML, TEXT, PDF, XML, HTML with inline errataHTTP Message SignaturesA. Backman, Ed., J. Richer, Ed., M. SpornyFebruary 2024ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 9540HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLDiscovery of Oblivious Services via Service Binding RecordsT. Pauly, T. Reddy.KFebruary 2024    Proposed Standard
RFC 9538HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLContent Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI) Delegation Using the Automated Certificate Management EnvironmentF. Fieau, Ed., E. Stephan, S. MishraFebruary 2024    Proposed Standard
RFC 9577HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLThe Privacy Pass HTTP Authentication SchemeT. Pauly, S. Valdez, C. A. WoodJune 2024    Proposed Standard
RFC 9614HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLPartitioning as an Architecture for PrivacyM. Kühlewind, T. Pauly, C. A. WoodJuly 2024    Informational
RFC 9651HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLStructured Field Values for HTTPM. Nottingham, P-H. KampSeptember 2024Obsoletes RFC 8941Proposed Standard
RFC 9652HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLThe Link-Template HTTP Header FieldM. NottinghamSeptember 2024    Proposed Standard