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Status: Verified (8)

RFC 8040, "RESTCONF Protocol", January 2017

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 8527

Source of RFC: netconf (ops)

Errata ID: 5255
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Balazs Lengyel
Date Reported: 2018-02-06
Verifier Name: Benoit Claise
Date Verified: 2018-02-06

Section 3.5.3. says:

If there are multiple key leaf values, the path 
segment is constructed by having the list name, 
followed by the value of each leaf identified 
in the "key" statement, encoded in the order
specified in the YANG "key" statement.  Each key 
leaf value except the last one is followed by 
a comma character.

It should say:

If there are multiple key leaf values, the path 
segment is constructed by having the list name,  
followed by an "=" character, 
followed by the value of each leaf identified 
in the "key" statement, encoded in the order
specified in the YANG "key" statement.  Each key 
leaf value except the last one is followed by 
a comma character.


When describing the encoding of key values for a list, in the case of multiple keys the "=" equal sign is not mentioned although it is used in the examples.

Errata ID: 5566
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Martin Björklund
Date Reported: 2018-12-03
Verifier Name: Ignas Bagdonas
Date Verified: 2019-07-09

Section B.3.2 says:

          "player" : {
            "gap" : 0.5

It should say:

          "player" : {
            "gap" : "0.5"


The quoted text occurs twice; p 128 and p 130.

The leaf "gap" is defined as type decimal64 in A.1. According to RFC 7951, section 6.1, a decimal64 type is represented as a string in JSON.

Errata ID: 5756
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Kent Watsen
Date Reported: 2019-06-21
Verifier Name: Warren Kumari (Ops AD)
Date Verified: 2019-07-01

Section 8 says:

  module ietf-system {
    leaf system-reset {
      type empty;

It should say:

  module ietf-system {
    leaf system-restart {
      type empty;


The section on page 84 discusses the "system-restart" RPC from RFC 7317, but the conceptual example has "system-reset". Fix: s/system-reset/system-restart/.

Errata ID: 6277
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Kent Watsen
Date Reported: 2020-09-03
Verifier Name: Rob Wilton
Date Verified: 2023-10-02

Section 4.8.5 says:

The default value is "last".

It should say:

The default value is “last”, except when used with PUT 
and the target resource already exists, in which case the 
default is to replace the target resource without altering
its position in the "ordered-by user” list or leaf-list.


The "last" default is intended for when creating a new element.

A PUT operation that replaces a list or leaf-list entry should not move the entry unless the "insert" parameter is explicitly passed.

Errata ID: 6473
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Kyoung-Hwan Yun
Date Reported: 2021-03-10
Verifier Name: Rob Wilton
Date Verified: 2024-01-15

Section B.3.2 says:

   Example 3: depth=3

   To limit the depth level to the target resource plus two child
   resource layers, the value "3" is used.

      GET /restconf/data/example-jukebox:jukebox?depth=3 HTTP/1.1
      Host: example.com
      Accept: application/yang-data+json

   The server might respond as follows:

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 20:56:30 GMT
      Server: example-server
      Cache-Control: no-cache
      Content-Type: application/yang-data+json

        "example-jukebox:jukebox" : {
          "library" : {
            "artist" : {}
          "playlist" : [
              "name" : "Foo-One",
              "description" : "example playlist 1",
              "song" : {}
          "player" : {
            "gap" : 0.5

It should say:

   Example 3: depth=3

   To limit the depth level to the target resource plus two child
   resource layers, the value "3" is used.

      GET /restconf/data/example-jukebox:jukebox?depth=3 HTTP/1.1
      Host: example.com
      Accept: application/yang-data+json

   The server might respond as follows:

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 20:56:30 GMT
      Server: example-server
      Cache-Control: no-cache
      Content-Type: application/yang-data+json

        "example-jukebox:jukebox" : {
          "library" : {
            "artist" : []
          "playlist" : [
              "name" : "Foo-One",
              "description" : "example playlist 1",
              "song" : []
          "player" : {
            "gap" : 0.5


"artist" and "song" are defined as list. Therefore, according to RFC 7951, they should be encoded as array instead of object.

Errata ID: 7311
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Per Andersson
Date Reported: 2023-01-18
Verifier Name: Robert Wilton
Date Verified: 2024-01-12

Section 7 says:

              | error-tag               | status code      |
              | unknown-attribute       | 400              |
              |                         |                  |
              | bad-element             | 400              |

It should say:

              | error-tag               | status code      |
              | unknown-attribute       | 400              |
              |                         |                  |
              | missing-element         | 400              |
              |                         |                  |
              | bad-element             | 400              |


Add missing-element to the table Mapping from <error-tag> to Status Code
in Section 7.

The NETCONF error-tag missing-element is not listed in the table mapping
error-tag to HTTP status code. This seems to be a mistake since all other
error-tags are listed (even the obsolete partial-operation which should not
be used according to RFC 6241).

Errata ID: 7866
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Andy Bierman
Date Reported: 2024-03-23
Verifier Name: Mahesh Jethanandani
Date Verified: 2024-04-03

Section Multiple says:

Text occurs in three places

1)    Section 3.5.3

      The leaf-list value is specified as a string, using the canonical
      representation for the YANG data type.  Any reserved characters
      MUST be percent-encoded, according to Sections 2.1 and 2.5 of

2)    Section 3.5.3

      The key value is specified as a string, using the canonical
      representation for the YANG data type.  Any reserved characters
      MUST be percent-encoded, according to Sections 2.1 and 2.5 of

3)    Section 5.1

      The contents of any query parameter value MUST be encoded according
      to Section 3.4 of [RFC3986].  Any reserved characters MUST be
      percent-encoded, according to Sections 2.1 and 2.5 of [RFC3986].

It should say:

1)    Section 3.5.3

      The leaf-list value is specified as a string, using the canonical
      representation for the YANG data type.  Any reserved characters
      MUST be percent-encoded, according to Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.5 of

2)    Section 3.5.3

      The key value is specified as a string, using the canonical
      representation for the YANG data type.  Any reserved characters
      MUST be percent-encoded, according to Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.5 of

3)    Section 5.1
      The contents of any query parameter value MUST be encoded according
      to Section 3.4 of [RFC3986].  Any reserved characters MUST be
      percent-encoded, according to Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.5 of [RFC3986].


The reserved character list is defined in section 2.2 of RFC 3986

Errata ID: 5504
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Andy Bierman
Date Reported: 2018-09-22
Verifier Name: Ignas Bagdonas
Date Verified: 2019-04-30

Section B.3.8 says:

      GET /mystreams/NETCONF?start-time=2014-10-25T10%3A02%3A00Z\

It should say:

      GET /streams/NETCONF?start-time=2014-10-25T10%3A02%3A00Z\


The node 'mystreams' is incorrect.

Status: Reported (2)

RFC 8040, "RESTCONF Protocol", January 2017

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 8527

Source of RFC: netconf (ops)

Errata ID: 6215
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Kent Watsen
Date Reported: 2020-06-25

Section 4.3 says:

   If a retrieval request for a data resource representing a YANG
   leaf-list or list object identifies more than one instance and XML
   encoding is used in the response, then an error response containing a
   "400 Bad Request" status-line MUST be returned by the server.  The
   error-tag value "invalid-value" is used in this case.  Note that a
   non-configuration list is not required to define any keys.  In this
   case, the retrieval of a single list instance is not possible.


This whole paragraph should be removed because, according to Section 3.5 (Data Resource), the "list" and "leaf-leaf" themselves are not a data resources:

A data resource represents a YANG data node that is a descendant node
of a datastore resource. Each YANG-defined data node can be uniquely
targeted by the request-line of an HTTP method. Containers, leafs,
leaf-list entries, list entries, anydata nodes, and anyxml nodes are
data resources.

No GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, or PATCH example in the RFC illustrates an operation on a "list" or "leaf-list" directly (i.e., without a key, which would then represent an element of the list or leaf-list).

Errata ID: 7884
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Jernej Tuljak
Date Reported: 2024-04-05

Section 3.5.3. says:

   The following example shows how reserved characters are
   percent-encoded within a key value.  The value of "key1" contains
   a comma, single-quote, double-quote, colon, double-quote, space,
   and forward slash (,'":" /).  Note that double-quote is not a
   reserved character and does not need to be percent-encoded.  The
   value of "key2" is the empty string, and the value of "key3" is the
   string "foo".

   Example URL:


It should say:

   The following example shows how specific characters are
   percent-encoded within a key value.  The value of "key1" contains
   a comma, single-quote, double-quote, colon, double-quote, space,
   and forward slash (,'":" /).  Note that double-quote and space are
   not reserved characters but also do not correspond to characters in
   the unreserved set and therefore need to be percent-encoded.  The
   value of "key2" is the empty string, and the value of "key3" is the
   string "foo".

   Example URL:



As explained in RFC3986, the restricted set of URI characters consists of reserved characters, unreserved characters and percent-encodings. If a character does not belong to either reserved characters or unreserved characters it can only appear as a percent-encoding in a valid URI. This restricted set of characters is defined by RFC3986, Appendix A, and does not include double-quote and space characters.

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