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Status: Verified (2)

RFC 1519, "Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy", September 1993

Note: This RFC has been obsoleted by RFC 4632

Source of RFC: Legacy
Area Assignment: rtg

Errata ID: 1823
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Dande Rajasekhar
Date Reported: 2009-08-05
Verifier Name: Stewart Bryant
Date Verified: 2010-10-22

Section 1 says:

This plan is primarily directed at the first two problems listed
   above.  We believe that the judicious use of variable-length
   subnetting techniques should help defer the onset of the last problem
   problem, the exhaustion of the 32-bit address space. Note also that
   improved tools for performing address allocation in a "supernetted"
   and variably-subnetted world would greatly help the user community in
   accepting these sometimes confusing techniques. Efforts to create
   some simple tools for this purpose should be encouraged by the
   Internet community.

It should say:

This plan is primarily directed at the first two problems listed
   above.  We believe that the judicious use of variable-length
   subnetting techniques should help defer the onset of the last problem, 
   the exhaustion of the 32-bit address space. Note also that
   improved tools for performing address allocation in a "supernetted"
   and variably-subnetted world would greatly help the user community in
   accepting these sometimes confusing techniques. Efforts to create
   some simple tools for this purpose should be encouraged by the
   Internet community.


In the phrase "the onset of the last problem problem," word problem appears twice.

Errata ID: 7581
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Delton Phillips
Date Reported: 2023-08-01
Verifier Name: RFC Editor
Date Verified: 2023-08-01

Section 1 says:

This plan is primarily directed at the first two problems listed
   above.  We believe that the judicious use of variable-length
   subnetting techniques should help defer the onset of the last problem
   problem, the exhaustion of the 32-bit address space. Note also that
   improved tools for performing address allocation in a "supernetted"
   and variably-subnetted world would greatly help the user community in
   accepting these sometimes confusing techniques. Efforts to create
   some simple tools for this purpose should be encouraged by the
   Internet community.

It should say:

This plan is primarily directed at the first two problems listed
   above.  We believe that the judicious use of variable-length
   subnetting techniques should help defer the onset of the last problem, 
   the exhaustion of the 32-bit address space. Note also that
   improved tools for performing address allocation in a "supernetted"
   and variably-subnetted world would greatly help the user community in
   accepting these sometimes confusing techniques. Efforts to create
   some simple tools for this purpose should be encouraged by the
   Internet community.


In the phrase "the onset of the last problem problem," word problem appears twice.

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