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RFC 6265, "HTTP State Management Mechanism", April 2011

Source of RFC: httpstate (app)

Errata ID: 7604
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Ted Zhu
Date Reported: 2023-08-15

Section 3. Overview says:

User agents MAY ignore Set-Cookie headers contained in
responses with 100-level status codes but MUST process Set-Cookie
headers contained in other responses (including responses with 400-
and 500-level status codes).

It should say:

Cookie-enabled user agents MAY ignore Set-Cookie headers contained in
responses with 100-level status codes but MUST process Set-Cookie
headers contained in other responses (including responses with 400-
and 500-level status codes).


The concern is that the sentence in its original form may be read to mean that all conforming user agents MUST process Set-Cookie headers contained in non 100-level responses, when, differing behavior is allowed as described in sections 5.2 and 7.2:

Section 5.2, paragraph 1: "When a user agent receives a Set-Cookie header field in an HTTP response, the user agent MAY ignore the Set-Cookie header field in its entirety."

Section 7.2, paragraph 2: "When cookies are disabled, ... the user agent MUST NOT process Set-Cookie headers in inbound HTTP responses."

The suggested correction is one possible way to alleviate this erratum concern. However, the erratum author does not know if this is the most optimal disambiguation method.

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