RFC Errata
RFC 7748, "Elliptic Curves for Security", January 2016
Source of RFC: IRTF
Errata ID: 7096
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: James Muir
Date Reported: 2022-08-18
Section Appendix A says:
# section A.1 sage code: for A in xrange(3, int(1e9)): if (A-2) % 4 != 0: continue # section A.3 sage code: for uInt in range(1, 1e3): u = F(uInt)
It should say:
# section A.1 sage code: for A in xsrange(3, int(1e9)): if (A-2) % 4 != 0: continue # section A.3 sage code: for uInt in xsrange(1, int(1e3)): u = F(uInt)
"xrange" is not recognized by Sage with python 3, so the script from section A.1 fails with a syntax error (using "xrange" likely worked fine for Sage with python 2). The suggested changes in A.3 are just for consistency.