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RFC 6781, "DNSSEC Operational Practices, Version 2", December 2012

Source of RFC: dnsop (ops)
See Also: RFC 6781 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 6692
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Jarle Fredrik Greipsland
Date Reported: 2021-09-22
Verifier Name: Warren Kumari (Ops AD)
Date Verified: 2024-07-09

Section Appendix D says:

    new DS             |        pre-publish                    |
     NS_A                            NS_A
     DS_A DS_B                       DS_A DS_B
    Child at A:            Child at A:        Child at B:
     SOA_A0                 SOA_A1             SOA_B0
     RRSIG_Z_A(SOA)         RRSIG_Z_A(SOA)     RRSIG_Z_B(SOA)

     NS_A                   NS_A               NS_B
     RRSIG_Z_A(NS)          NS_B               RRSIG_Z_B(NS)

     DNSKEY_Z_A             DNSKEY_Z_A         DNSKEY_Z_A
                            DNSKEY_Z_B         DNSKEY_Z_B
     DNSKEY_K_A             DNSKEY_K_A         DNSKEY_K_B
                            RRSIG_K_B(DNSKEY)  RRSIG_K_B(DNSKEY)

It should say:

    new DS             |        pre-publish                    |
     NS_A                            NS_A
     DS_A DS_B                       DS_A DS_B
    Child at A:            Child at A:        Child at B:
     SOA_A0                 SOA_A1             SOA_B0
     RRSIG_Z_A(SOA)         RRSIG_Z_A(SOA)     RRSIG_Z_B(SOA)

     NS_A                   NS_A               NS_B
     RRSIG_Z_A(NS)          NS_B               RRSIG_Z_B(NS)

     DNSKEY_Z_A             DNSKEY_Z_A         DNSKEY_Z_A
                            DNSKEY_Z_B         DNSKEY_Z_B
     DNSKEY_K_A             DNSKEY_K_A         DNSKEY_K_B


Figure 15 in Appendix D is depicting the phases of a double DS KSK rollover operator change. One rationale for applying this approach is to avoid the exchange of signatures (RRSIGs) between operators, and limit exchanges to the public parts of the ZSKs in use. In the pre-publish phase in the figure, it is shown that Child A publishes a signature over the DNSKEY RRset generated by Child B's KSK, and that Child B publishes a signature over the DNSKEY RRset generated by Child A's KSK. This is contrary to the rationale given for this method, and also not required, since the pre-published double DS RRs at the parent zone should enable a validator to validate the signature generated by any of the two KSKs in use, thus one RRSIG RR for the DNSKEY RRset is sufficient at each child. Therefore, the RRSIG_K_B(DNSKEY) RR should be removed from Child A, and the RRSIG_K_A(DNSKEY) should be removed from Child B.

[Warren Kumari, Ops AD]: Marking as Verified, please see the thread at https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsop/voplw-sLcS-6u458reknBGQR2T0/ for additional information / justification.

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