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RFC 2625, "IP and ARP over Fibre Channel", June 1999

Note: This RFC has been obsoleted by RFC 4338

Source of RFC: ipfc (int)
See Also: RFC 2625 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 656
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Elizabeth G. Rodriguez
Date Reported: 2003-07-21

Section E.4.2 says:

      Code Points for FC Frame with FARP-REQ Command for MATCH_WW_PN_NN
 |Wrd|    <31:24>     |    <23:16>     |    <15:08>     |    <07:00> |
 | 0 |    0x04        |                     D_ID =                   |
 |   |                |    0xFF             0xFF              0xFF   |
 | 1 |    0x00        |                     S_ID                     |
 | 2 |    0x05        |                     F_CTL                    |
 | 3 |   SEQ_ID       |     0x20       |          SEQ_CNT            |

It should say:

      Code Points for FC Frame with FARP-REQ Command for MATCH_WW_PN_NN
 |Wrd|    <31:24>     |    <23:16>     |    <15:08>     |    <07:00> |
 | 0 |    0x22        |                     D_ID =                   |
 |   |                |    0xFF             0xFF              0xFF   |
 | 1 |    0x00        |                     S_ID                     |
 | 2 |    0x01        |                     F_CTL                    |
 | 3 |   SEQ_ID       |     0x00       |          SEQ_CNT            |


This embodies three changes:
- R_CTL (word 0, bits 31:24) should be 0x22, not 0x04
- TYPE (word 2, bits 31:24) should be 0x01, not 0x05
- DF_CTL (word 3, bits 23:16) should be 0x00, not 0x20

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