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RFC 8878, "Zstandard Compression and the 'application/zstd' Media Type", February 2021

See Also: RFC 8878 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 6441
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML

Reported By: Felix Handte
Date Reported: 2021-02-25
Verifier Name: Barry Leiba
Date Verified: 2021-03-08

Section Appendix A says:

A.1.  Literals Length Code Table

                | State | Symbol | Number_Of_Bits | Base |
                |   0   |   0    |       0        |  0   |
                |   0   |   0    |       4        |  0   |

A.2.  Match Length Code Table

                | State | Symbol | Number_Of_Bits | Base |
                |   0   |   0    |       0        |  0   |
                |   0   |   0    |       6        |  0   |


A.3.  Offset Code Table

                | State | Symbol | Number_Of_Bits | Base |
                |   0   |   0    |       0        |  0   |
                |   0   |   0    |       5        |  0   |

It should say:

A.1.  Literals Length Code Table

                | State | Symbol | Number_Of_Bits | Base |
                |   0   |   0    |       4        |  0   |

A.2.  Match Length Code Table

                | State | Symbol | Number_Of_Bits | Base |
                |   0   |   0    |       6        |  0   |


A.3.  Offset Code Table

                | State | Symbol | Number_Of_Bits | Base |
                |   0   |   0    |       5        |  0   |


Each of the three tables in Appendix A contain two entries for state 0, the first of which in each case incorrectly reports the Number_Of_Bits as 0. The all-zero rows should be removed.

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