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RFC 7997, "The Use of Non-ASCII Characters in RFCs", December 2016

Source of RFC: IAB
See Also: RFC 7997 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 6319
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: David Paul
Date Reported: 2020-10-26
Verifier Name: Mirja Kühlewind
Date Verified: 2020-10-27

Section 3.5 says:

   Table 3: A sample of legal passwords

   | # | Password                       | Notes                        |
   | 12| <correct horse battery staple> | ASCII space is allowed       |
   | 13| <Correct Horse Battery Staple> | Different from example 12    |
   | 14| <&#x3C0;&#xDF;&#xE5;>          | Non-ASCII letters are OK     |
   |   |                                | (e.g., GREEK SMALL LETTER    |
   |   |                                | PI, U+03C0)                  |
   | 15| <Jack of &#x2666;s>            | Symbols are OK (e.g., BLACK  |
   |   |                                | DIAMOND SUIT, U+2666)        |
   | 16| <foo&#x1680;bar>               | OGHAM SPACE MARK, U+1680, is |
   |   |                                | mapped to U+0020 and thus    |
   |   |                                | the full string is mapped to |
   |   |                                | <foo bar>                    |

   Preferred text:

   Table 3: A sample of legal passwords

   | # | Password                       | Notes                        |
   | 12| <correct horse battery staple> | ASCII space is allowed       |
   | 13| <Correct Horse Battery Staple> | Different from example 12    |
   | 14| <(See PDF for non-ASCII        | Non-ASCII letters are OK     |
   |   |   character string)>           | (e.g., GREEK SMALL LETTER    |
   |   |                                | PI, U+03C0; LATIN SMALL      |
   |   |                                | LETTER SHARP S, U+00DF; THAI |
   |   |                                | DIGIT SEVEN, U+0E57)         |
   | 15| <Jack of (See PDF for non-     | Symbols are OK (e.g., BLACK  |
   |   |  ASCII character string)s>     | DIAMOND SUIT, U+2666)        |
   | 16| <foo(See PDF for non-ASCII     | OGHAM SPACE MARK, U+1680, is |
   |   |  character string)bar>         | mapped to U+0020 and thus    |
   |   |                                | the full string is mapped to |
   |   |                                | <foo bar>                    |

It should say:

   Table 3: A sample of legal passwords

   | # | Password                       | Notes                        |
   | 12| <correct horse battery staple> | ASCII space is allowed       |
   | 13| <Correct Horse Battery Staple> | Different from example 12    |
   | 14| <&#x3C0;&#xDF;&#xE5;>          | Non-ASCII letters are OK     |
   |   |                                | (e.g., GREEK SMALL LETTER    |
   |   |                                | PI, U+03C0)                  |
   | 15| <Jack of &#x2666;s>            | Symbols are OK (e.g., BLACK  |
   |   |                                | DIAMOND SUIT, U+2666)        |
   | 16| <foo&#x1680;bar>               | OGHAM SPACE MARK, U+1680, is |
   |   |                                | mapped to U+0020 and thus    |
   |   |                                | the full string is mapped to |
   |   |                                | <foo bar>                    |

   Preferred text:

   Table 3: A sample of legal passwords

   | # | Password                       | Notes                        |
   | 12| <correct horse battery staple> | ASCII space is allowed       |
   | 13| <Correct Horse Battery Staple> | Different from example 12    |
   | 14| <(See PDF for non-ASCII        | Non-ASCII letters are OK     |
   |   |   character string)>           | (e.g., GREEK SMALL LETTER    |
   |   |                                | PI, U+03C0; LATIN SMALL      |
   |   |                                | LETTER SHARP S, U+00DF;      |
   |   |                                | LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH    |
   |   |                                | RING ABOVE, U+00E5)          |
   | 15| <Jack of (See PDF for non-     | Symbols are OK (e.g., BLACK  |
   |   |  ASCII character string)s>     | DIAMOND SUIT, U+2666)        |
   | 16| <foo(See PDF for non-ASCII     | OGHAM SPACE MARK, U+1680, is |
   |   |  character string)bar>         | mapped to U+0020 and thus    |
   |   |                                | the full string is mapped to |
   |   |                                | <foo bar>                    |


Observe the #14 row of both tables:

The Notes column in the second table describes a different third Unicode code point than what appears in the Password column of the first table. As the first table is a direct excerpt from RFC7613, it should not be modified and so the second table should be corrected to contain a proper corresponding example.

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