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RFC 8446, "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3", August 2018

Source of RFC: tls (sec)

Errata ID: 6152
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Ben Smyth
Date Reported: 2020-05-01

Section 4 says:

Clients MUST check for ["supported_versions"] prior to
processing the rest of the ServerHello (although they will have to 
parse the ServerHello in order to read the extension). -- Section 4.2.1.

Upon receipt of a HelloRetryRequest, the client MUST check the
legacy_version, legacy_session_id_echo, cipher_suite, and
legacy_compression_method as specified in Section 4.1.3 and then
process the extensions, starting with determining the version using
"supported_versions". -- Section 4.1.4

Upon receiving a message with type server_hello, implementations MUST
first examine the Random value... -- Section 4.1.3.


These requirements are seemingly conflicting. I suspect checking for "supported_versions" must
come first, since that may influence subsequent steps, e.g., checking legacy_compression_method
and the Random value. It doesn't seem to matter whether legacy_version, legacy_session_id_echo,
cipher_suite, and legacy_compression_method are checked before the Random value, so it doesn't
seem to matter which check is second and which is third. (Noting, as per one of my earlier reports,
dated 28 Apr, Section 4.1.3 defines no checks for legacy_version nor legacy_compression_method.
Perhaps the latter should be checked to be zero, aborting with alert illegal_parameter if it isn't, as per
Section 4.1.2.)

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