RFC Errata
RFC 2244, "ACAP -- Application Configuration Access Protocol", November 1997
Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 6075
Source of RFC: acap (app)See Also: RFC 2244 w/ inline errata
Errata ID: 615
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Chris Newman
Date Reported: 2001-01-23
Section 6.6.2 says:
Example: C: Z4S9 DELETEDSINCE "/folder/site/" 19951205103412 S: Z4S9 DELETED "blurdybloop" S: Z4S9 DELETED "anteaters" S: Z4S9 OK "DELETEDSINCE completed" C: Z4U3 DELETEDSINCE "/folder/site/" 19951009040854 S: Z4U3 NO (TOOOLD) "Don't have that information"
It should say:
Example: C: Z4S9 DELETEDSINCE "/folder/site/" "19951205103412" S: Z4S9 DELETED "blurdybloop" S: Z4S9 DELETED "anteaters" S: Z4S9 OK "DELETEDSINCE completed" C: Z4U3 DELETEDSINCE "/folder/site/" "19951009040854" S: Z4U3 NO (TOOOLD) "Don't have that information"
Fix DELETEDSINCE example to include quotes around timestamps