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RFC 8239, "Data Center Benchmarking Methodology", August 2017

Source of RFC: bmwg (ops)
See Also: RFC 8239 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 5652
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Nikolai Malykh
Date Reported: 2019-03-12
Verifier Name: Warren Kumari (Ops AD)
Date Verified: 2019-09-06

Section 3.2 says:

      o  Last iteration: Ingress port N-2 sending line rate to egress
         port N-1, while port N is sending a known low amount of
         oversubscription traffic (1% recommended) with the same packet
         size to egress port N.  Measure the buffer size value by
         multiplying the number of extra frames sent by the frame size.

It should say:

      o  Last iteration: Ingress port N-2 sending line rate to egress
         port N-1, while port N is sending a known low amount of
         oversubscription traffic (1% recommended) with the same packet
         size to egress port N-1.  Measure the buffer size value by
         multiplying the number of extra frames sent by the frame size.


Incorrect number of the output port for oversubscription traffic.

[WK]: See https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/bmwg/_zZOrFmBwGq3dc5Pfb833tmLSGk for additional context.

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