RFC Errata
RFC 3716, "IETF in the Large: Administration and Execution", March 2004
Source of RFC: IAB
Errata ID: 5528
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Jason Livingood
Date Reported: 2018-10-15
Held for Document Update by: Mirja Kühlewind
Date Held: 2024-01-11
Section 1.2 says:
focused on the IETF executive structure
It should say:
focused on the IETF administrative structure
Should be changed in future versions to describe as administratively-focused, consistent with the organizational descriptions in IASA1 and IASA2. However, IASA1/2 were published after this RFC and therefore this was not an errata at the time of publication.