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RFC 1517, "Applicability Statement for the Implementation of Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)", September 1993

Source of RFC: IESG ()
See Also: RFC 1517 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 547
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Mr. Sharky
Date Reported: 2002-03-30

Section 1 says:

   It has become clear that the first two of these problems are likely
   to become critical in the near term.  Classless Inter-Domain
   Routing (CIDR) ttempts to deal with these problems by defining a
   mechanism to slow the growth of routing tables and reduce the need
   to allocate new IP network numbers.

It should say:

   It has become clear that the first two of these problems are likely
   to become critical in the near term.  Classless Inter-Domain
   Routing (CIDR) attempts to deal with these problems by defining a
   mechanism to slow the growth of routing tables and reduce the need
   to allocate new IP network numbers.

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