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RFC 7953, "Calendar Availability", August 2016

Source of RFC: calext (art)
See Also: RFC 7953 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 5420
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Julian Cowley
Date Reported: 2018-07-14
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2018-07-26

Section 3.1 says:

   availabilityprop  = *(
                    ; the following are REQUIRED
                    ; but MUST NOT occur more than once
                    dtstamp / uid
                    ; the following are OPTIONAL
                    ; but MUST NOT occur more than once
                    busytype / class / created / description /
                    dtstart / last-mod / location / organizer /
                    priority /seq / summary / url /
                    ; Either 'dtend' or 'duration' MAY appear
                    ; in an 'availableprop', but 'dtend' and
                    ; 'duration' MUST NOT occur in the same
                    ; 'availabilityprop'.
                    ; 'duration' MUST NOT be present if
                    ; 'dtstart' is not present
                    dtend / duration /
                    ; the following are OPTIONAL
                    ; and MAY occur more than once
                    categories / comment / contact /
                    x-prop / iana-prop

It should say:

   availabilityprop  = *(
                    ; the following are REQUIRED
                    ; but MUST NOT occur more than once
                    dtstamp / uid
                    ; the following are OPTIONAL
                    ; but MUST NOT occur more than once
                    busytype / class / created / description /
                    dtstart / last-mod / location / organizer /
                    priority /seq / summary / url /
                    ; Either 'dtend' or 'duration' MAY appear
                    ; in an 'availabilityprop', but 'dtend' and
                    ; 'duration' MUST NOT occur in the same
                    ; 'availabilityprop'.
                    ; 'duration' MUST NOT be present if
                    ; 'dtstart' is not present
                    dtend / duration /
                    ; the following are OPTIONAL
                    ; and MAY occur more than once
                    categories / comment / contact /
                    x-prop / iana-prop


The text 'availableprop' is a typo and should be 'availabilityprop' instead. The text is only concerned with 'dtend' and 'duration' in the VAVAILABILITY component, and has nothing to do with the AVAILABLE component and its associated 'availableprop'.

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