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RFC 6750, "The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: Bearer Token Usage", October 2012

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 8996

Source of RFC: oauth (sec)

Errata ID: 5335
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Kavindu Dodanduwa
Date Reported: 2018-04-26

Section 2.1 says:


It should say:



Usage of b64token is confusing. Definition is self explanatory but could be easily confused with Base64.

RFC7235 defines token68. Following some old RFC draft discussions (http://w3-org.9356.n7.nabble.com/p7-rename-b64token-to-token68-to-avoid-misunderstandings-td108256.html) I found that b64token was renamed to token68.

I believe it's appropriate to use naming of token68 (instead of b64token) in RFC6750. So that it is less confusing as well as refers to an existing standard.

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