RFC Errata
RFC 7848, "Mark and Signed Mark Objects Mapping", June 2016
Source of RFC: eppext (art)
Errata ID: 5062
Status: Reported
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Nicos Gollan
Date Reported: 2017-07-06
Throughout the document, when it says:
All occurrences citing [ISO3166-2]
It should say:
Replace with [ISO3166]
The RFC mistakenly references ISO 3166-2 for general country codes which is incorrect. Country codes are defined in ISO 3166-1, the 2-character codes used throughout this document in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, administrative subdivisions in ISO 3166-2. The actual content of the citation points to the general standards "family" already.