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RFC 2812, "Internet Relay Chat: Client Protocol", April 2000

Area Assignment: app
See Also: RFC 2812 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 4836
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Brenden Case
Date Reported: 2016-10-19
Verifier Name: Barry Leiba
Date Verified: 2019-04-30

Section 2.3.1 says:

  key        =  1*23( %x01-05 / %x07-08 / %x0C / %x0E-1F / %x21-7F )
                  ; any 7-bit US_ASCII character,
                  ; except NUL, CR, LF, FF, h/v TABs, and " "

It should say:

  key        =  1*23( %x01-05 / %x07-08 / %x0C / %x0E-1F / %x21-7F )
                  ; any 7-bit US_ASCII character,
                  ; except NUL, CR, LF, ACK, h/v TABs, and " "


  key        =  1*23( %x01-08 / %x0E-1F / %x21-7F )
                  ; any 7-bit US_ASCII character,
                  ; except NUL, CR, LF, FF, h/v TABs, and " "


The hex for ACK and FF are x06 and x0C, respectively. The expression of the original text excludes ACK and includes FF. Therefore there is an error in either the expression or the comments following.
If the error is in the comments, then the first corrected text should be selected.
If the error is in the expression, then the second corrected text should be selected.

----- Verifier Notes -----
This is quite correct, though I have no idea which correction is right. In practice, I imagine it makes little difference, as it's unlikely that either character will actually be used.

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