RFC Errata
RFC 6243, "With-defaults Capability for NETCONF", June 2011
Source of RFC: netconf (ops)See Also: RFC 6243 w/ inline errata
Errata ID: 4687
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Muly Ilan
Date Reported: 2016-05-08
Verifier Name: Benoit Claise
Date Verified: 2016-05-17
Section A.1 says:
typedef status-type { description "Interface status"; type enumeration { enum ok; enum 'waking up'; enum 'not feeling so good'; enum 'better check it out'; enum 'better call for help'; } default ok; }
It should say:
typedef status-type { description "Interface status"; type enumeration { enum up; enum 'waking up'; enum 'not feeling so good'; enum 'better check it out'; enum 'better call for help'; } default up; }
The examples in appendix A use the value 'up' and not the value 'ok'.