RFC Errata
RFC 6868, "Parameter Value Encoding in iCalendar and vCard", February 2013
Source of RFC: IETF - NON WORKING GROUPArea Assignment: app
See Also: RFC 6868 w/ inline errata
Errata ID: 4383
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Mark Wierbosch
Date Reported: 2015-06-01
Verifier Name: Barry Leiba
Date Verified: 2015-06-01
Section 3.2 says:
GEO;X-ADDRESS="Pittsburgh Pirates^n115 Federal St^nPitt sburgh, PA 15212":geo:40.446816,-80.00566
It should say:
GEO;X-ADDRESS="Pittsburgh Pirates^n115 Federal St^nPitt sburgh, PA 15212":geo:40.446816\,-80.00566
RFC 6350 Section 3.4 states that all property values must have COMMA characters escaped with a BACKSLASH character. The GEO property value in the example contains a comma. Therefore it must be escaped with a backslash.
(The GEO example in RFC 6350 is incorrect see Errata 3846)