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RFC 6749, "The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework", October 2012

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 8252, RFC 8996, RFC 9700

Source of RFC: oauth (sec)
See Also: RFC 6749 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 3500
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: John Field
Date Reported: 2013-02-26
Verifier Name: Stephen Farrell
Date Verified: 2013-03-16

Section 4.1 says:

(E)  The authorization server authenticates the client, validates the
     authorization code, and ensures that the redirection URI
     received matches the URI used to redirect the client in
     step (C).  If valid, the authorization server responds back with
     an access token and, optionally, a refresh token.

It should say:

(E)  The authorization server authenticates the client, validates the
     authorization code, and ensures that the redirection URI
     received matches the URI used to redirect (the resource owner's user-agent) 
     to the client in step (C).  If valid, the authorization server 
     responds back with an access token and, optionally, a refresh token.


The URI in question is the URI that was used to redirect the resource owner's user-agent back to the client to deliver the code. The original text in step (E) seems to say that this URI was used to redirect the client, but I think this is an ambiguous/imprecise use of the word "client." It was not the OAuth client that was redirected using that URI, it was the resource owner's user-agent that was redirected, *to* the client.

The parenthetical (the resource owner's user-agent) is more precise but may perhaps be too verbose. I think, at minimum, we must say "....the URI used to redirect *to* the client in step (C)."

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