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RFC 6545, "Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID)", April 2012

Source of RFC: mile (sec)
See Also: RFC 6545 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 3410
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Kathleen Moriarty
Date Reported: 2012-11-15
Verifier Name: Sean Turner
Date Verified: 2013-03-16

Section 5.2 says:


         One.  REQUIRED.  ENUM.  The listed values are used to provide a
         response to the requesting CSIRT of the status of a Request,
         Report, or Query.

         1.  Approved.  The trace was approved and will begin in the
             current SP.

         2.  Denied.  The trace was denied in the current SP.  The next
             closest SP can use this message to filter traffic from the
             upstream SP using the example packet to help mitigate the
             effects of the attack as close to the source as possible.
             The Acknowledgement message must be passed back to the
             originator and a Result message must be used from the
             closest SP to the source in order to indicate actions taken
             in the IODEF History class.

It should say:


         One.  REQUIRED.  ENUM.  The listed values are used to provide a
         response to the requesting CSIRT of the status of a Request,
         Report, or Query.

         1.  Approved.  The request was approved and will be processed
             and acted upon by the receiving SP or the report was
             approved for processing.

         2.  Denied.  The message was denied for processing by the 
             recipient for the reasons provided in the Justification.
             If the RID message was a Trace, the next closest SP can
             use this message to filter traffic from the upstream SP
             using the example packet to help mitigate the effects of
             the attack as close to the source as possible.  The
             Acknowledgement message must be passed back to the
             originator and a Result message must be used from the
             closest SP to the source in order to indicate actions taken
             in the IODEF History class.


The definition for Approved and Denied was confusing to an implementer. Although the AuthorizationStatus was broadly defined and the message flows in 7 show the Acknowledgement applies to all messages, the Approved and Denied were being read as specific to Trace Requests.

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