RFC Errata
RFC 6244, "An Architecture for Network Management Using NETCONF and YANG", June 2011
Source of RFC: netmod (ops)
Errata ID: 3356
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Benoit Claise
Date Reported: 2012-09-17
Held for Document Update by: Benoit Claise
Section 2.2.3 says:
augment /ospf:ospf/ospf:area/ospf:interfaces { leaf no-neighbor-down-notification { type empty; description "Don't inform other protocols about" + " neighbor down events";
It should say:
augment /ospf:ospf/ospf:area/ospf:interface { leaf no-neighbor-down-notification { type empty; description "Don't inform other protocols about" + " neighbor down events";
Section 2.2.3
For example, if the above OSPF configuration were the standard, a
vendor module may augment this with vendor-specific extensions.
module vendorx-ospf {
namespace "http://vendorx.example.com/ospf";
prefix vendorx;
import example-ospf {
prefix ospf;
augment /ospf:ospf/ospf:area/ospf:interfaces {
leaf no-neighbor-down-notification {
type empty;
description "Don't inform other protocols about"
+ " neighbor down events";
While the "above OSPF configuration" refers to interface and not interfaces
module example-ospf {
namespace "http://example.org/netconf/ospf";
prefix ospf;
import network-types { // Access another module's def'ns
prefix nett;
container ospf { // Declare the top-level tag
list area { // Declare a list of "area" nodes
key name; // The key "name" identifies list members
leaf name {
type nett:area-id;
list interface {
key name;
leaf name {
type nett:interface-name;
leaf priority {
description "Designated router priority";
type uint8; // The type is a constraint on
// valid values for "priority".
leaf metric {
type uint16 {
range 1..65535;
leaf dead-interval {
units seconds;
type uint16 {
range 1..65535;