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RFC 5931, "Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Authentication Using Only a Password", August 2010

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 8146

Area Assignment: sec
See Also: RFC 5931 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 3109
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Dan Harkins
Date Reported: 2012-02-06
Verifier Name: Sean Turner
Date Verified: 2012-05-04

Section 2.2.2 says:

An integer scalar, x, acts on an ECC group element, Y, via repetitive
addition (Y is added to itself x times), also called point
multiplication -- x * Y.

The inverse function for an ECC group is defined such that the sum of
an element and its inverse is the "point at infinity" (the identity
for elliptic curve point addition).  In other words,

    Q + inv(Q) = "O"

It should say:

An integer scalar, x, acts on an ECC group element, Y, via repetitive
addition (Y is added to itself x times), also called point
multiplication -- x * Y.

ECC groups require the use of a mapping function, F(), which returns
the x-coordinate of a point on the elliptic curve. In other words,
if point Y has coordinates Y.x and Y.y, then,

    Y.x = F(Y)

The inverse function for an ECC group is defined such that the sum of
an element and its inverse is the "point at infinity" (the identity
for elliptic curve point addition).  In other words,

    Q + inv(Q) = "O"


Section mentions function F() as defined in 2.2.2 but there is no
function F() in 2.2.2.

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