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RFC 3161, "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP)", August 2001

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 5816

Source of RFC: pkix (sec)
See Also: RFC 3161 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 2931
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Benjamin Dauvergne
Date Reported: 2011-08-12
Verifier Name: Sean Turner
Date Verified: 2011-11-12

Section 2.4.2 says:

   PKIStatus ::= INTEGER {
      granted                (0),
      -- when the PKIStatus contains the value zero a TimeStampToken, as
         requested, is present.
      grantedWithMods        (1),
       -- when the PKIStatus contains the value one a TimeStampToken,
         with modifications, is present.
      rejection              (2),
      waiting                (3),
      revocationWarning      (4),

       -- this message contains a warning that a revocation is
       -- imminent
      revocationNotification (5)
       -- notification that a revocation has occurred  }

It should say:

   PKIStatus ::= INTEGER {
      granted                (0),
      -- when the PKIStatus contains the value zero a TimeStampToken, as
      -- requested, is present.
      grantedWithMods        (1),
      -- when the PKIStatus contains the value one a TimeStampToken,
      -- with modifications, is present.
      rejection              (2),
      waiting                (3),
      revocationWarning      (4),

       -- this message contains a warning that a revocation is
       -- imminent
      revocationNotification (5)
       -- notification that a revocation has occurred -- }


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