RFC Errata
RFC 5279, "A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)", July 2008
Source of RFC: IETF - NON WORKING GROUPArea Assignment: app
Errata ID: 2626
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Alfred Hoenes
Date Reported: 2008-09-15
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre
Date Held: 2010-11-12
Section 3 says:
Furthermore, the second example presented in Section 3 of RFC 5279
does not precisely match the pattern indicated in the above clause;
instead, it tries to suggest that
defines a '3gpp' URN
... identified by the "3gpp-urn" value "acme".
This contradiction seems to be a hint that the authors indeed
want to define a structured NSS with <3gpp-urn> being the most
significant part, and the period character used to separate it
from a potentially following more specific part of the '3gpp' URN.
Yet, there's no syntax definition in the RFC that would support
this precisely.