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RFC 2631, "Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Method", June 1999

Source of RFC: smime (sec)
See Also: RFC 2631 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 2506
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Yves Legrandgerard
Date Reported: 2010-09-01
Verifier Name: Sean Turner
Date Verified: 2012-01-06

Section says:

6. For i = 0 to m' - 1

        U = U + (SHA1[SEED + i] XOR SHA1[(SEED + m' + i)) * 2^(160 * i)

   Note that for m=160, this reduces to the algorithm of [FIPS-186]

        U = SHA1[SEED] XOR SHA1[(SEED+1) mod 2^160 ].

It should say:

6. For i = 0 to m' - 1

        U = U + [SHA1(seed + i) Xor SHA1((seed + m' +i ) mod 2^{seedlen})] * 2^{160 * i}

   Note that for m=160, this reduces to the algorithm of [FIPS-186]

        U = [SHA1(seed) Xor SHA1((seed +1) mod 2^{seedlen})], where seedlen
            is the binary length of seed.


The line:
U = U + (SHA1[SEED + i] XOR SHA1[(SEED + m' + i)) * 2^(160 * i)
is syntactically incorrect. Closing bracket of last 'SHA1[' is missing.
Moreover, when m=160 (m'=1), the loop cannot reduce to the line:
U = SHA1[SEED] XOR SHA1[(SEED + 1) mod 2^160]
as it can be easily seen.

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