RFC Errata
RFC 4823, "FTP Transport for Secure Peer-to-Peer Business Data Interchange over the Internet", April 2007
Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 8996
Source of RFC: ediint (app)See Also: RFC 4823 w/ inline errata
Errata ID: 2282
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Alfred Hoenes
Date Reported: 2007-05-14
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2010-11-12
Section 7.4.4 says:
Item 8 in Section 7.4.4, on page 27 says: 8. The "failed" disposition type MAY NOT be used for the situation in which there is some problem in processing the message other | than interpreting the request for an MDN. The "processed" or | other disposition type with appropriate disposition modifiers is to be used in such situations.
It should say:
8. The "failed" disposition type MAY NOT be used for the situation in which there is some problem in processing the message other | than interpreting the request for an MDN. The "processed" | disposition type with appropriate disposition modifiers MUST be used in such situations.
The ABNF given in Section 7.4.3, on page 25,
AS3-disposition-type = "processed" / "failed"
explicitely excludes "other" disposition types.
Source: apps