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RFC 2229, "A Dictionary Server Protocol", October 1997

Source of RFC: Legacy
See Also: RFC 2229 w/ inline errata

Errata ID: 1753
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Matthew Luckie
Date Reported: 2009-04-02
Verifier Name: Peter Saint-Andre
Date Verified: 2011-11-14

Section 2.2 says:

   dqstring    =  <"> *(dqtext/quoted-pair) <">
   dqtext      =  <any CHAR except <">, "\", and CTLs>
   sqstring    =  <'> *(dqtext/quoted-pair) <'>
   sqtext      =  <any CHAR except <'>, "\", and CTLs>
   quoted-pair =  "\" CHAR

It should say:

   dqstring    =  <"> *(dqtext/quoted-pair) <">
   dqtext      =  <any CHAR except <">, "\", and CTLs>
   sqstring    =  <'> *(sqtext/quoted-pair) <'>
   sqtext      =  <any CHAR except <'>, "\", and CTLs>
   quoted-pair =  "\" CHAR


As it stands, the original specification would allow an sqstring of 'Bob's Garage' to be valid when that is not intended. [Approver Note: this appears to be a copy-and-paste error.]

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