RFC Errata
RFC 4601, "Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol Specification (Revised)", August 2006
Note: This RFC has been obsoleted by RFC 7761
Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 5059, RFC 5796, RFC 6226
Source of RFC: pim (rtg)
Errata ID: 1136
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Maren Peasley
Date Reported: 2007-12-21
Held for Document Update by: Adrian Farrel
Section Index says:
Not reproduced here.
It should say:
Due to the number of change recommendations to the index, I am not reproducing the index entries here. The list of definitions that I was able to determine are given below. Some definitions are not given and these are marked below. Address_List 31* Assert(*,G) 128* Assert(S,G) 128* AssertCancel(*,G) 99* AssertCancel(S,G) 99* AssertTimer(*,G,I) not listed X AssertTimer(S,G,I) not listed X AssertTrackingDesired(*,G,I) 93* AssertTrackingDesired(S,G,I) 86* AssertWinner(*,G,I) 100* AssertWinner(S,G,I) 100* AssertWinnerMetric(*,G,I) 101* AssertWinnerMetric(S,G,I) 101* assert_metric 98* Assert_Override_Interval 132* Assert_Time 132* AT(*,G,I) 129* AT(S,G,I) 129* CheckSwitchToSpt(S,G) 28* CouldAssert(*,G,I) 93* CouldAssert(S,G,I) 86* CouldRegister(S,G) 41* Default_Hello_Holdtime not listed X DirectlyConnected(S) 27* DownstreamJPState(*,*,RP,I) 45* (state of FSM in section 4.5.1) DownstreamJPState(*,G,I) 49* (state of FSM in section 4.5.2) DownstreamJPState(S,G,I) 53* (state of FSM in section 4.5.3) DownstreamJPState(S,G,rpt,I) 56* (state of FSM in section 4.5.4) DR(I) 33* dr_is_better(a,b,I) 33* DR_Priority 31* Effective_Override_Interval(I) 36* Effective_Propagation_Delay(I) 35* ET(*,*,RP,I) 128* ET(*,G,I) 128* ET(S,G,I) 129* ET(S,G,rpt,I) 129* GenID 31* Hash_Function not listed X Hello_Holdtime 131* Hello_Period 130* HT(I) 31* IGMP 6* immediate_olist(*,*,RP) 22* immediate_olist(*,G) 22* immediate_olist(S,G) 22* infinite_assert_metric() 99* inherited_olist(S,G) 22* inherited_olist(S,G,rpt) 22* I_Am_Assert_Loser(*,G,I) not listed X I_Am_Assert_Loser(S,G,I) not listed X I_am_DR(I) 33* I_am_RP(G) 44* J/P_Holdtime 131* J/P_Override_Interval(I) 132* JoinDesired(*,*,RP) 64* JoinDesired(*,G) 68* JoinDesired(S,G) 73* joins(*,*,RP(G)) not listed X joins(*,*,RP) 23* joins(*,G) 23* joins(S,G) 23* JT(*,*,RP) 129* JT(*,G) 129* JT(S,G) 129* KAT(S,G) 129* KeepaliveTimer(S,G) not listed X Keepalive_Period 134* lan_delay_enabled(I) 35* LAN_Prune_Delay not listed X local_receiver_exclude(S,G,I) 23* local_receiver_include(*,G,I) not listed X local_receiver_include(S,G,I) not listed X lost_assert(*,G) 24* lost_assert(*,G,I) 100* lost_assert(S,G) 24* lost_assert(S,G,I) 100* lost_assert(S,G,rpt) 24* lost_assert(S,G,rpt,I) 100* MBGP 6* MFIB 6* MLD 6* MRIB 6* MRIB.next_hop(host) 25* my_assert_metric(*,G,I) not listed X my_assert_metric(S,G,I) 98* NBR(Interface,IP_address) not listed X NLT(N,I) not listed X OT(S,G,rpt) 77* Override_Interval(I) 130? (Why is it termed a “variable”?) packet_arrives_on_rp_tunnel(pkt) 43* pim_exclude(S,G) 22* pim_include(*,G) 22* pim_include(S,G) 22* PPT(*,*,RP,I) not listed X PPT(*,G,I) not listed X PPT(S,G,I) not listed X PPT(S,G,rpt,I) not listed X Propagation_Delay(I) 130? (Why is it termed a “variable”?) Propagation_delay_default 130* PruneDesired(S,G,rpt) 79* prunes(S,G,rpt) 23* Register-Stop(*,G) not listed X Register-Stop(S,G) not listed X Register-StopTimer(S,G) not listed X Register_Probe_Time 135* Register_Suppression_Time 135* RP(G) not listed X RPF 6* RPF’(*,G) 24* RPF’(S,G) 25* RPF’(S,G,rpt) 24* RPF_interface not listed X RPF_interface(host) not listed X RPFJoinDesired(G) 79* rpt_assert_metric(G,I) not listed X RST(S,G) 135? SPTbit(S,G) not listed X spt_assert_metric(S,I) 98* SSM 106* Suppression_Enabled(I) 36* SwitchToSptDesired(S,G) 28* TIB 6* Triggered_Hello_Delay 130* t_joinsuppress not listed X t_override 133* t_override_default 130* t_periodic 133* t_suppressed 133* Update_SPTbit(S,G,iif) 29* UpstreamJPState(S,G) not listed X
The locations of the definitions of functions are not given. Given that there are so many functions, it would be useful to have a notation that indicates this. I propose adding a “*” next to the page reference that contains the definition of that function as well as adding an explanatory note to the index, such as:
For function definitions, see the pages marked with an asterisk (*).