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69 results ( Show  25  | All )

NumberFilesTitleAuthorsDateMore InfoStatus
RFC 9706HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLTreeDN: Tree-Based Content Delivery Network (CDN) for Live Streaming to Mass AudiencesL. Giuliano, C. Lenart, R. AdamJanuary 2025    Informational
RFC 9466HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLPIM Assert Message PackingY. Liu, Ed., T. Eckert, Ed., M. McBride, Z. ZhangOctober 2023    Proposed Standard
RFC 9465HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLPIM Null-Register PackingV. Kamath, R. Chokkanathapuram Sundaram, R. Banthia, A. GopalSeptember 2023    Proposed Standard
RFC 9436HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLPIM Message Type Space Extension and Reserved BitsS. Venaas, A. RetanaAugust 2023Obsoletes RFC 8736, Updates RFC 3973, RFC 5015, RFC 5059, RFC 6754, RFC 7761, RFC 8364Proposed Standard
RFC 9128HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLYANG Data Model for Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)X. Liu, P. McAllister, A. Peter, M. Sivakumar, Y. Liu, F. HuOctober 2022    Proposed Standard
RFC 9186HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLFast Failover in Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) Using Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Multipoint NetworksG. Mirsky, X. JiJanuary 2022    Proposed Standard
RFC 8815 a.k.a. BCP 229

HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLDeprecating Any-Source Multicast (ASM) for Interdomain MulticastM. Abrahamsson, T. Chown, L. Giuliano, T. EckertAugust 2020    Best Current Practice
RFC 8775HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLPIM Designated Router Load BalancingY. Cai, H. Ou, S. Vallepalli, M. Mishra, S. Venaas, A. GreenApril 2020    Proposed Standard
RFC 8736HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLPIM Message Type Space Extension and Reserved BitsS. Venaas, A. RetanaFebruary 2020Obsoletes RFC 6166, Obsoleted by RFC 9436, Updates RFC 3973, RFC 5015, RFC 5059, RFC 6754, RFC 7761, RFC 8364Proposed Standard
RFC 8591ASCII, PDF, HTMLSIP-Based Messaging with S/MIMEB. Campbell, R. HousleyApril 2019Updates RFC 3261, RFC 3428, RFC 4975Proposed Standard
RFC 8487ASCII, PDF, HTMLMtrace Version 2: Traceroute Facility for IP MulticastH. Asaeda, K. Meyer, W. Lee, Ed.October 2018    Proposed Standard
RFC 8364ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataPIM Flooding Mechanism (PFM) and Source Discovery (SD)IJ. Wijnands, S. Venaas, M. Brig, A. JonassonMarch 2018Errata, Updated by RFC 8736, RFC 9436Experimental
RFC 8328ASCII, PDF, HTMLPolicy-Based Management Framework for the Simplified Use of Policy Abstractions (SUPA)W. Liu, C. Xie, J. Strassner, G. Karagiannis, M. Klyus, J. Bi, Y. Cheng, D. ZhangMarch 2018    Informational
RFC 8313 a.k.a. BCP 213

ASCII, PDF, HTMLUse of Multicast across Inter-domain Peering PointsP. Tarapore, Ed., R. Sayko, G. Shepherd, T. Eckert, Ed., R. KrishnanJanuary 2018    Best Current Practice
RFC 8220ASCII, PDF, HTMLProtocol Independent Multicast (PIM) over Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS)O. Dornon, J. Kotalwar, V. Hemige, R. Qiu, Z. ZhangSeptember 2017    Informational
RFC 8114ASCII, PDF, HTMLDelivery of IPv4 Multicast Services to IPv4 Clients over an IPv6 Multicast NetworkM. Boucadair, C. Qin, C. Jacquenet, Y. Lee, Q. WangMarch 2017    Proposed Standard
RFC 8115ASCII, PDF, HTMLDHCPv6 Option for IPv4-Embedded Multicast and Unicast IPv6 PrefixesM. Boucadair, J. Qin, T. Tsou, X. DengMarch 2017    Proposed Standard
RFC 8059ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataPIM Join Attributes for Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) EnvironmentsJ. Arango, S. Venaas, I. Kouvelas, D. FarinacciJanuary 2017ErrataExperimental
RFC 7899ASCII, PDF, HTMLMulticast VPN State DampingT. Morin, Ed., S. Litkowski, K. Patel, Z. Zhang, R. Kebler, J. HaasJune 2016Updates RFC 6514Proposed Standard
RFC 7910ASCII, PDF, HTMLInteroperability between the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol and PIMW. ZhouJune 2016    Informational
RFC 7887ASCII, PDF, HTMLHierarchical Join/Prune AttributesS. Venaas, J. Arango, I. KouvelasJune 2016Updates RFC 5384Proposed Standard
RFC 7761 a.k.a. STD 83

ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataProtocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol Specification (Revised)B. Fenner, M. Handley, H. Holbrook, I. Kouvelas, R. Parekh, Z. Zhang, L. ZhengMarch 2016Errata, Obsoletes RFC 4601, Updated by RFC 8736, RFC 9436Internet Standard
RFC 7442ASCII, PDF, HTMLCarrying Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) in Any-Source Multicast (ASM) Mode Trees over Multipoint LDP (mLDP)Y. Rekhter, R. Aggarwal, N. Leymann, W. Henderickx, Q. Zhao, R. LiFebruary 2015    Proposed Standard
RFC 7411ASCII, PDF, HTMLMulticast Listener Extensions for Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) and Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) Fast HandoversT. Schmidt, Ed., M. Waehlisch, R. Koodli, G. Fairhurst, D. LiuNovember 2014Updates RFC 5568Experimental
RFC 7095ASCII, PDF, HTMLjCard: The JSON Format for vCardP. KewischJanuary 2014    Proposed Standard
RFC 7063ASCII, PDF, HTMLSurvey Report on Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) Implementations and DeploymentsL. Zheng, J. Zhang, R. ParekhDecember 2013    Informational
RFC 6807ASCII, PDF, HTMLPopulation Count Extensions to Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)D. Farinacci, G. Shepherd, S. Venaas, Y. CaiDecember 2012    Experimental
RFC 6559ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Reliable Transport Mechanism for PIMD. Farinacci, IJ. Wijnands, S. Venaas, M. NapieralaMarch 2012    Experimental
RFC 6517ASCII, PDF, HTMLMandatory Features in a Layer 3 Multicast BGP/MPLS VPN SolutionT. Morin, Ed., B. Niven-Jenkins, Ed., Y. Kamite, R. Zhang, N. Leymann, N. BitarFebruary 2012    Informational
RFC 6516ASCII, PDF, HTMLIPv6 Multicast VPN (MVPN) Support Using PIM Control Plane and Selective Provider Multicast Service Interface (S-PMSI) Join MessagesY. Cai, E. Rosen, Ed., I. WijnandsFebruary 2012    Proposed Standard
RFC 6420ASCII, PDF, HTMLPIM Multi-Topology ID (MT-ID) Join AttributeY. Cai, H. OuNovember 2011    Proposed Standard
RFC 6395ASCII, PDF, HTMLAn Interface Identifier (ID) Hello Option for PIMS. Gulrajani, S. VenaasOctober 2011    Proposed Standard
RFC 6226ASCII, PDF, HTMLPIM Group-to-Rendezvous-Point MappingB. Joshi, A. Kessler, D. McWalterMay 2011Updates RFC 4601Proposed Standard
RFC 6166ASCII, PDF, HTMLA Registry for PIM Message TypesS. VenaasApril 2011Obsoleted by RFC 8736Proposed Standard
RFC 5796ASCII, PDF, HTMLAuthentication and Confidentiality in Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) Link-Local MessagesW. Atwood, S. Islam, M. SiamiMarch 2010Updates RFC 4601Proposed Standard
RFC 5496ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataThe Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) Vector TLVIJ. Wijnands, A. Boers, E. RosenMarch 2009ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 5501ASCII, PDF, HTMLRequirements for Multicast Support in Virtual Private LAN ServicesY. Kamite, Ed., Y. Wada, Y. Serbest, T. Morin, L. FangMarch 2009    Informational
RFC 5438ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataInstant Message Disposition Notification (IMDN)E. Burger, H. KhartabilFebruary 2009ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 5384ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataThe Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) Join Attribute FormatA. Boers, I. Wijnands, E. RosenNovember 2008Errata, Updated by RFC 7887Proposed Standard
RFC 5294ASCII, PDF, HTMLHost Threats to Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)P. Savola, J. LingardAugust 2008    Informational
RFC 5240ASCII, PDF, HTMLProtocol Independent Multicast (PIM) Bootstrap Router MIBB. Joshi, R. BijlaniJune 2008ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 5060ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataProtocol Independent Multicast MIBR. Sivaramu, J. Lingard, D. McWalter, B. Joshi, A. KesslerJanuary 2008ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 5059ASCII, PDF, PDF with Images, HTML, HTML with inline errataBootstrap Router (BSR) Mechanism for Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)N. Bhaskar, A. Gall, J. Lingard, S. VenaasJanuary 2008Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2362, Updates RFC 4601, Updated by RFC 8736, RFC 9436Proposed Standard
RFC 5015ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataBidirectional Protocol Independent Multicast (BIDIR-PIM)M. Handley, I. Kouvelas, T. Speakman, L. VicisanoOctober 2007Errata, Updated by RFC 8736, RFC 9436Proposed Standard
RFC 4609ASCII, PDF, HTMLProtocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) Multicast Routing Security Issues and EnhancementsP. Savola, R. Lehtonen, D. MeyerOctober 2006    Informational
RFC 4611 a.k.a. BCP 121

ASCII, PDF, HTMLMulticast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) Deployment ScenariosM. McBride, J. Meylor, D. MeyerAugust 2006    Best Current Practice
RFC 4610ASCII, PDF, HTMLAnycast-RP Using Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)D. Farinacci, Y. CaiAugust 2006    Proposed Standard
RFC 4601ASCII, PDF, PDF with Images, HTML, HTML with inline errataProtocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol Specification (Revised)B. Fenner, M. Handley, H. Holbrook, I. KouvelasAugust 2006Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2362, Obsoleted by RFC 7761, Updated by RFC 5059, RFC 5796, RFC 6226Proposed Standard
RFC 4602ASCII, PDF, HTMLProtocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) IETF Proposed Standard Requirements AnalysisT. PusateriAugust 2006    Informational
RFC 4142ASCII, PDF, HTMLFull-mode Fax Profile for Internet Mail (FFPIM)D. Crocker, G. KlyneNovember 2005    Proposed Standard
RFC 4239ASCII, PDF, HTMLInternet Voice Messaging (IVM)S. McRae, G. ParsonsNovember 2005    Proposed Standard
RFC 4238ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataVoice Message Routing ServiceG. VaudreuilOctober 2005Errata, Updated by RFC 6118Proposed Standard
RFC 4237ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataVoice Messaging Directory ServiceG. VaudreuilOctober 2005ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 4024ASCII, PDF, HTMLVoice Messaging Client BehaviourG. Parsons, J. MaruszakJuly 2005    Informational
RFC 3973ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Protocol Independent Multicast - Dense Mode (PIM-DM): Protocol Specification (Revised) A. Adams, J. Nicholas, W. SiadakJanuary 2005Errata, Updated by RFC 8736, RFC 9436Experimental
RFC 3922ASCII, PDF, HTML Mapping the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) to Common Presence and Instant Messaging (CPIM) P. Saint-AndreOctober 2004    Proposed Standard
RFC 3860ASCII, PDF, HTML Common Profile for Instant Messaging (CPIM) J. PetersonAugust 2004    Proposed Standard
RFC 3862ASCII, PDF, HTML Common Presence and Instant Messaging (CPIM): Message Format G. Klyne, D. AtkinsAugust 2004ErrataProposed Standard
RFC 3773ASCII, PDF, HTML High-Level Requirements for Internet Voice Mail E. CandellJune 2004    Informational
RFC 3801ASCII, PDF, HTML Voice Profile for Internet Mail - version 2 (VPIMv2) G. Vaudreuil, G. ParsonsJune 2004Obsoletes RFC 2421, RFC 2423Draft Standard
RFC 3804ASCII, PDF, HTML Voice Profile for Internet Mail (VPIM) Addressing G. ParsonsJune 2004    Proposed Standard
RFC 3618ASCII, PDF, HTML Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) B. Fenner, Ed., D. Meyer, Ed.October 2003ErrataExperimental
RFC 3446ASCII, PDF, HTML Anycast Rendevous Point (RP) mechanism using Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) and Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) D. Kim, D. Meyer, H. Kilmer, D. FarinacciJanuary 2003    Informational
RFC 2934ASCII, PDF, HTML Protocol Independent Multicast MIB for IPv4 K. McCloghrie, D. Farinacci, D. Thaler, B. FennerOctober 2000    Experimental
RFC 2421ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Voice Profile for Internet Mail - version 2 G. Vaudreuil, G. ParsonsSeptember 1998Errata, Obsoletes RFC 1911, Obsoleted by RFC 3801Proposed Standard
RFC 2423ASCII, PDF, HTML VPIM Voice Message MIME Sub-type Registration G. Vaudreuil, G. ParsonsSeptember 1998Obsoletes RFC 1911, Obsoleted by RFC 3801Proposed Standard
RFC 2362ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol Specification D. Estrin, D. Farinacci, A. Helmy, D. Thaler, S. Deering, M. Handley, V. Jacobson, C. Liu, P. Sharma, L. WeiJune 1998Errata, Obsoletes RFC 2117, Obsoleted by RFC 4601, RFC 5059Experimental
RFC 2337ASCII, PDF, HTML Intra-LIS IP multicast among routers over ATM using Sparse Mode PIM D. Farinacci, D. Meyer, Y. RekhterApril 1998    Experimental
RFC 2117ASCII, PDF, HTML Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol Specification D. Estrin, D. Farinacci, A. Helmy, D. Thaler, S. Deering, M. Handley, V. Jacobson, C. Liu, P. Sharma, L. WeiJune 1997Obsoleted by RFC 2362Experimental