RFC 8947

Link-Layer Address Assignment Mechanism for DHCPv6, December 2020

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B. Volz
T. Mrugalski
CJ. Bernardos
dhc (int)

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DOI:  https://doi.org/10.17487/RFC8947

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In certain environments, e.g., large-scale virtualization deployments, new devices are created in an automated manner. Such devices may have their link-layer addresses assigned in an automated fashion. With sufficient scale, the likelihood of a collision using random assignment without duplication detection is not acceptable. Therefore, an allocation mechanism is required. This document proposes an extension to DHCPv6 that allows a scalable approach to link-layer address assignments where preassigned link-layer address assignments (such as by a manufacturer) are not possible or are unnecessary.

For the definition of Status, see RFC 2026.

For the definition of Stream, see RFC 8729.

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