RFC 7980
A Framework for Defining Network Complexity, October 2016
- File formats:
- Status:
- Authors:
- M. Behringer
A. Retana
R. White
G. Huston - Stream:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17487/RFC7980
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Complexity is a widely used parameter in network design, yet there is no generally accepted definition of the term. Complexity metrics exist in a wide range of research papers, but most of these address only a particular aspect of a network, for example, the complexity of a graph or software. While it may be impossible to define a metric for overall network complexity, there is a desire to better understand the complexity of a network as a whole, as deployed today to provide Internet services. This document provides a framework to guide research on the topic of network complexity as well as some practical examples for trade-offs in networking.
This document summarizes the work of the IRTF's Network Complexity Research Group (NCRG) at the time of its closure. It does not present final results, but a snapshot of an ongoing activity, as a basis for future work.
For the definition of Status, see RFC 2026.
For the definition of Stream, see RFC 8729.