RFC 4707
Netnews Administration System (NAS), October 2006
- File formats:
- Status:
- Authors:
- P. Grau
V. Heinau
H. Schlichting
R. Schuettler - Stream:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17487/RFC4707
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The Netnews Administration System (NAS) is a framework to simplify the administration and usage of network news (also known as Netnews) on the Internet. Data for the administration of newsgroups and hierarchies are kept in a distributed hierarchical database and are available through a client-server protocol.
The database is accessible by news servers, news administrators, and news readers. News servers can update their configuration automatically; administrators are able to get the data manually. News reader programs are able to get certain information from an NAS server, automatically or at a user's discretion, which provides detailed information about groups and hierarchies to the user.
NAS is usable in coexistence with the current, established process of control messages; an unwanted interference is impossible. Furthermore, NAS is able to reflect the somewhat chaotic structure of Usenet in a hierarchical database. NAS can be used without modification of existing news relay, news server, or news reader software; however, some tasks will be better accomplished with NAS-compliant software. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.
For the definition of Status, see RFC 2026.
For the definition of Stream, see RFC 8729.