RFC Errata
Found 3 records.
Status: Reported (3)
RFC 9126, "OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests", September 2021
Source of RFC: oauth (sec)
Errata ID: 6711
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML
Reported By: Brian Campbell
Date Reported: 2021-10-15
Section 3. says:
Clients MAY use the "request" parameter as defined in JAR [RFC9101] to push a Request Object JWT to the authorization server. The rules for processing, signing, and encryption of the Request Object as defined in JAR [RFC9101] apply. Request parameters required by a given client authentication method are included in the "application/ x-www-form-urlencoded" request directly and are the only parameters other than "request" in the form body (e.g., mutual TLS client authentication [RFC8705] uses the "client_id" HTTP request parameter, while JWT assertion-based client authentication [RFC7523] uses "client_assertion" and "client_assertion_type"). All other request parameters, i.e., those pertaining to the authorization request itself, MUST appear as claims of the JWT representing the authorization request.
It should say:
Clients MAY use the request and client_id parameters as defined in JAR [RFC9101] to push a Request Object JWT to the authorization server. The rules for processing, signing, and encryption of the Request Object as defined in JAR [RFC9101] apply. Request parameters required by a given client authentication method are included in the application/x-www-form-urlencoded request directly and are the only parameters other than request and client_id in the form body (e.g., JWT assertion-based client authentication [RFC7523] uses "client_assertion" and "client_assertion_type") HTTP request parameters). All authorization request parameters, i.e., those pertaining to the authorization request itself, MUST appear as claims of the JWT representing the authorization request.
That first paragraph of Sec 3 was not properly updated to come inline with JAR (now RFC9101) when it changed in draft -21 to require "client_id" in the authorization request in addition to in addition to "request" or "request_uri" - so is somewhat ambiguous in maybe suggesting that "client_id" isn't required. But it is required based on how PAR works and RFC9101 requiring "client_id".
Errata ID: 7254
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML
Reported By: Joseph Heenan
Date Reported: 2022-11-18
Section 1.1 says:
POST /as/par HTTP/1.1 Host: as.example.com Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded &response_type=code &client_id=CLIENT1234&state=duk681S8n00GsJpe7n9boxdzen <...>
It should say:
POST /as/par HTTP/1.1 Host: as.example.com Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded response_type=code &client_id=CLIENT1234&state=duk681S8n00GsJpe7n9boxdzen <...>
In the 'Introductory Example', the POST body to the par endpoint contains an unnecessary '&' at the start. (It's perhaps technically valid, but could potentially confuse readers.)
Errata ID: 7410
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML
Reported By: Andrii Deinega
Date Reported: 2023-03-31
Section 1.1 says:
Uses "urn:example:bwc4JK-ESC0w8acc191e-Y1LTC2" in two examples.
It should say:
Use "urn:ietf:params:oauth:request_uri:bwc4JK-ESC0w8acc191e-Y1LTC2" instead.
Some may find the use of "urn:example:" a bit misleading.