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Status: Verified (1)

RFC 4778, "Operational Security Current Practices in Internet Service Provider Environments", January 2007

Source of RFC: opsec (ops)

Errata ID: 835
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Alfred Hoenes
Date Reported: 2007-02-15
Verifier Name: Merike Kaeo
Date Verified: 2007-02-18

Section 2.2.3 says:

   SSH may not be supported on legacy equipment.  In some cases,
   changing the host name of a device requires an SSH rekey event since
   the key is based on some combination of host name, Message
   Authentication Code (MAC) address, and time.

It should say:

   SSH may not be supported on legacy equipment.  In some cases,
   changing the host name of a device requires an SSH rekey event since
   the key is based on some combination of host name, Media Access
   Control (MAC) address, and time.

(Or perhaps simply, and more generally, use "link layer address"
 in place of "Media Access Control (MAC) address".)


wrong acronym expansion

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