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Status: Reported (2)

RFC 3091, "Pi Digit Generation Protocol", April 2001


Errata ID: 4965
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Jesse Friedman
Date Reported: 2017-03-12

Throughout the document, when it says:

1.     TCP Based Digit Generator Service

   One REQUIRED PIgen service is defined as a stateless TCP service.  A
   server listens on TCP port 314159.


1.1.   Approximate Service

   An OPTIONAL PIgen service is defined as a stateless TCP service.  A
   server listens on TCP port 220007.


2.     UDP Based Digit Generator Service

   An OPTIONAL PIgen service is defined as a stateless UDP service.  A
   server listens on UDP port 314159.


2.2.   Approximate Service

   An OPTIONAL PIgen service is defined as a stateless UDP service.  A
   server listens on UDP port 220007.

It should say:

1.     TCP Based Digit Generator Service

   One REQUIRED PIgen service is defined as a stateless TCP service.  A
   server listens on TCP port 31415.


1.1.   Approximate Service

   An OPTIONAL PIgen service is defined as a stateless TCP service.  A
   server listens on TCP port 22007.


2.     UDP Based Digit Generator Service

   An OPTIONAL PIgen service is defined as a stateless UDP service.  A
   server listens on UDP port 31415.


2.2.   Approximate Service

   An OPTIONAL PIgen service is defined as a stateless UDP service.  A
   server listens on UDP port 22007.


Ports as specified in the original text exceed 16-bit integer space, violating TCP (RFC793 3.1) and UDP (RFC768, "Format"). As it stands, this error prevents development of fully-compliant implementations of this protocol.
Note that in this correction I have elected not to round the TCP and UDP ports in sec. 1 and 2 to 31416 - this is to better-preserve the immediate recognizability of the port as the PIgen service.
Also note that the IP multicast group address specified in sec. 3 exceeds the 32-bit address space specified in RFC 791 sec. 2.3. I have abstained from proposing a correction to this, as I could not think of an IANA-compliant address that still incorporates digits of pi.

Errata ID: 5217
Status: Reported
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Luís Câmara
Date Reported: 2017-12-26

Section 3 says:

   An OPTIONAL PIgen service is defined as a stateless UDP service.  A
   random distribution of digits of Pi are sent using the payload format
   described in section 2.1.2. to the IP multicast group

It should say:

   An OPTIONAL PIgen service is defined as a stateless UDP service.  A
   random distribution of digits of Pi are sent using the payload format
   described in section 2.1.2. to the IPv6 multicast group


314.159.265.359 is not a valid IPv4 address, because it contains octets larger than 255. Using IPv6 multicast allows 28 digits of Pi in the address and will accelerate the transition to it.

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