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Status: Reported (2)

RFC 7265, "jCal: The JSON Format for iCalendar", May 2014

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 7529

Source of RFC: jcardcal (app)

Errata ID: 6360
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Julian Cowley
Date Reported: 2020-12-20

Throughout the document, when it says:


In RFC 5545, one of the allowable values for the VERSION property is a minimum version and a maximum version, separated by a semicolon (;). The value type is TEXT. When the jCal value is converted back to iCalendar, the text is subject to escape with a backslash. This yields a result which is not valid for the VERSION property.


[ "version", {}, "text", "2.0;2.9" ]



which is invalid because it contains the backslash.

Errata ID: 4862
Status: Reported
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Sean Bartell
Date Reported: 2016-11-10

Section 3.6.1 says:


   ["attach", {}, "binary", "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh"]

It should say:


   ["attach", {"encoding": "BASE64"}, "binary", "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh"]


The ENCODING=BASE64 parameter must be preserved for BINARY values; no part of the RFC allows removing it.

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