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Status: Verified (1)

RFC 5793, "PB-TNC: A Posture Broker (PB) Protocol Compatible with Trusted Network Connect (TNC)", March 2010

Source of RFC: nea (sec)

Errata ID: 2848
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Andreas Steffen
Date Reported: 2011-06-28
Verifier Name: Stephen Farrell
Date Verified: 2011-07-21

Section 4.8.1 says:

Remediation String (variable length)

      The Remediation String field MUST contain a UTF-8 [6] encoded
      string.  This string contains human-readable instructions for
      remediation that MAY be displayed to the user by the Posture
      Broker Client.  NUL termination MUST NOT be included.  If a
      Posture Broker Client receives a Reason String that does contain a
      NUL termination, it MUST respond with a fatal Invalid Parameter
      error in a CLOSE batch.

It should say:

Remediation String (variable length)

      The Remediation String field MUST contain a UTF-8 [6] encoded
      string.  This string contains human-readable instructions for
      remediation that MAY be displayed to the user by the Posture
      Broker Client.  NUL termination MUST NOT be included.  If a
      Posture Broker Client receives a Remediation String that does contain a
      NUL termination, it MUST respond with a fatal Invalid Parameter
      error in a CLOSE batch.


Copy-and-paste error: Reason String must be changed to Remediation String.

SF: Was discussed by NEA WG which agreed this should be Approved. [1]

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