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Status: Held for Document Update (4)

RFC 5724, "URI Scheme for Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) Short Message Service (SMS)", January 2010

Area Assignment: app

Errata ID: 2784
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Mykyta Yevstifeyev
Date Reported: 2011-04-18
Held for Document Update by: Pete Resnick

Section 2.2 says:

2.2. Formal Definition

   The URI scheme's keywords specified in the following syntax
   description are case-insensitive.  The syntax of an "sms" URI is
   formally described as follows, where the URI base syntax is taken
   from [RFC3986]:

  sms-uri        = scheme ":" sms-hier-part [ "?" sms-fields ]
  scheme         = "sms"
  sms-hier-part  = sms-recipient *( "," sms-recipient )
  sms-recipient  = telephone-subscriber ; defined in RFC 3966
  sms-fields     = sms-field *( "&" sms-field )
  sms-field      = sms-field-name "=" escaped-value
  sms-field-name = "body" / sms-field-ext ; "body" MUST only appear once
  sms-field-ext  = 1*( unreserved )
  escaped-value  = *( unreserved / pct-encoded ) ; defined in RFC 3986

It should say:

2.2. Formal Definition

   The URI scheme's keywords specified in the following syntax
   description are case-insensitive.  The syntax of an "sms" URI is
   formally described as follows, where the URI base syntax is taken
   from [RFC3986]:

  sms-uri        = scheme ":" sms-hier-part [ "?" sms-fields ]
  scheme         = "sms"
  sms-hier-part  = sms-recipient *( "," sms-recipient )
  sms-recipient  = telephone-subscriber  ; defined in RFC 3966
  sms-fields     = no-body / body-first / body-middle-last
  no-body        = sms-field *( "&" sms-field )  
                   ; <sms-fields> part without the "body" field
  body-first     = body-field *( "&" sms-field )
                   ; <sms-fields> part with the "body" field  
                   ; at the first place
  body-middle-last = sms-field *( "&" sms-field ) "&" body-field
                   *( "&" sms-field )
                   ; <sms-fields> part with the "body" field  
                   ; in the middle or at the end
  sms-field      = sms-field-name "=" escaped-value
  body-field     = "body=" escaped-value
  sms-field-name = 1*( unreserved )
  escaped-value  = *( unreserved / pct-encoded )  ; defined in RFC 3986


The syntax I propose represents that "body" field can occur in the URI only once while the current one does not reveal this.

Errata ID: 1996
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Alfred Hoenes
Date Reported: 2010-01-10
Held for Document Update by: Lisa Dusseault

Section 2.4 says:

a)  first bullet (near bottom of page 9):
|  o  Both must be either a <local-number> or a <global-number<, i.e.,
      start with a "+".

b)  last paragraph (page 10):

   Since "sms" URIs can contain multiple <telephone-subscriber>s as well
|  as <sms-fields>, in addition to adopting the rules defined for
   comparing <telephone-subscriber>s as defined by [RFC3966], two "sms"
   URIs are only equivalent if their <sms-fields> are identical, and if
   all <telephone-subscriber>s, compared pairwise as a set (i.e.,
   without taking sequence into consideration), are equivalent.

It should say:

|  o  Both must be either a <local-number> or a <global-number>, i.e.,
      start with a "+".


   Since "sms" URIs can contain multiple <telephone-subscriber>s as well
|  as <sms-field>s, in addition to adopting the rules defined for
   comparing <telephone-subscriber>s as defined by [RFC3966], two "sms"
   URIs are only equivalent if their <sms-fields> are identical, and if
   all <telephone-subscriber>s, compared pairwise as a set (i.e.,
   without taking sequence into consideration), are equivalent.


a) Distorting typo.
b) Although there is a rule '<sms-fields>', the components of it
are meant here, in plural: <sms-field>s .

Errata ID: 2672
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Charles Curran
Date Reported: 2010-12-16
Held for Document Update by: Pete Resnick

Section Document says:

This is really pre-erratum.

RFC5724 narrows / focuses the applicability of the SMS URI to GSM.
GSM isn't (that) relevant: SMS has moved on in the last 25 years!

Some countries, eg S.Korea, do not use/have GMS, but *CDMA* instead.

It should say:

<n/a — RFC ¿rewrite?>


Current SMS availability…
1985… Since then, support for the service has expanded to include other mobile technologies such as ANSI CDMA networks and Digital AMPS, as well as satellite and landline networks.

Errata ID: 2690
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Mykyta Yevstifeyev
Date Reported: 2011-01-21
Held for Document Update by: Pete Resnick

Throughout the document, when it says:

RFC 5724                    sms" URI Scheme                 January 2010

It should say:

RFC 5724                   "sms" URI Scheme                 January 2010


That is a typographical error.

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