RFC Errata
Found 3 records.
Status: Verified (2)
RFC 5717, "Partial Lock Remote Procedure Call (RPC) for NETCONF", December 2009
Source of RFC: netconf (ops)
Errata ID: 1978
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Alfred Hoenes
Date Reported: 2009-12-28
Verifier Name: Dan Romascanu
Date Verified: 2010-05-11
Section App. A, p.16 says:
<!-- reply to <partial-lock> --> <xs:complexType name="contentPartInPartialLockReplyType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> The content of the reply to a successful partial-lock request MUST conform to this complex type. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="lock-id" type="lock-id-type"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> | Identifies the lock to be released. Must be the value | received in the response to a partial-lock operation. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> [...]
It should say:
<!-- reply to <partial-lock> --> <xs:complexType name="contentPartInPartialLockReplyType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> The content of the reply to a successful partial-lock request MUST conform to this complex type. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="lock-id" type="lock-id-type"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> | Identifies the lock, if granted. This lock-id must | be used in the partial-unlock operation. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> [...]
The clause in the RFC apparently has been copied from page 15
(bottom part), where the partialUnLockType is getting defined,
without the necessary changes in semantics for the context of
the reply to a partial-lock operation.
The replacement text has been crafted in the spirit of the
corresponding description in the YANG module in Appendix B.
Errata ID: 2746
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Mehmet Ersue
Date Reported: 2011-03-09
Verifier Name: Dan Romascanu
Date Verified: 2011-03-09
Section Appendix C says:
Step 6 - Lock user Joe <nc:rpc xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:partial-lock:1.0" message-id="104"> <partial-lock> <select xmlns:usr="http://example.com/users"> /usr:top/usr:users/user[usr:name="Joe"]" </select> </partial-lock> </nc:rpc> The NETCONF server grants the partial lock. The scope of this second lock includes only the <user> node with name Joe. The lock protects all data below this particular <user> node. Step 7 - Receive lock <nc:rpc-reply xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:partial-lock:1.0" message-id="104"> <lock-id>2</lock-id> <locked-node xmlns:usr="http://example.com/users"> /usr:top/usr:users/user[usr:name="Joe"]" </locked-node> </nc:rpc-reply>
It should say:
Step 6 - Lock user Joe <nc:rpc xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:partial-lock:1.0" message-id="104"> <partial-lock> <select xmlns:usr="http://example.com/users"> /usr:top/usr:users/usr:user[usr:name="Joe"] </select> </partial-lock> </nc:rpc> The NETCONF server grants the partial lock. The scope of this second lock includes only the <user> node with name Joe. The lock protects all data below this particular <user> node. Step 7 - Receive lock <nc:rpc-reply xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:partial-lock:1.0" message-id="104"> <lock-id>2</lock-id> <locked-node xmlns:usr="http://example.com/users"> /usr:top/usr:users/usr:user[usr:name="Joe"] </locked-node> </nc:rpc-reply>
- Appendix C is non-normative.
- The instance identifier: /usr:top/usr:users/user[usr:name="Joe"]"
must be replaced with: /usr:top/usr:users/usr:user[usr:name="Joe"]
Status: Rejected (1)
RFC 5717, "Partial Lock Remote Procedure Call (RPC) for NETCONF", December 2009
Source of RFC: netconf (ops)
Errata ID: 2657
Status: Rejected
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: B Viswanath Reddy
Date Reported: 2010-12-02
Rejected by: Dan Romascanu
Date Rejected: 2011-03-09
Section Appendix C says:
Step 6 - Lock user Joe <nc:rpc xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:partial-lock:1.0" message-id="104"> <partial-lock> <select xmlns:usr="http://example.com/users"> | /usr:top/usr:users/user[usr:name="Joe"]" </select> </partial-lock> </nc:rpc> The NETCONF server grants the partial lock. The scope of this second lock includes only the <user> node with name Joe. The lock protects all data below this particular <user> node. Step 7 - Receive lock <nc:rpc-reply xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:partial-lock:1.0" message-id="104"> <lock-id>2</lock-id> <locked-node xmlns:usr="http://example.com/users"> | /usr:top/usr:users/user[usr:name="Joe"]" </locked-node> </nc:rpc-reply>
It should say:
Step 6 - Lock user Joe <nc:rpc xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:partial-lock:1.0" message-id="104"> <partial-lock> <select xmlns:usr="http://example.com/users"> | /usr:top/usr:users/usr:user[usr:name="Joe"]" </select> </partial-lock> </nc:rpc> The NETCONF server grants the partial lock. The scope of this second lock includes only the <user> node with name Joe. The lock protects all data below this particular <user> node. Step 7 - Receive lock <nc:rpc-reply xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:partial-lock:1.0" message-id="104"> <lock-id>2</lock-id> <locked-node xmlns:usr="http://example.com/users"> | /usr:top/usr:users/usr:user[usr:name="Joe"]" </locked-node> </nc:rpc-reply>
The instance identifier /usr:top/usr:users/user[usr:name="Joe"]" must be replaced with /usr:top/usr:users/usr:user[usr:name="Joe"]"
The solution for this errata is contained in errata #2746 proposed by Mehmet Ersue which is Verified.