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Status: Verified (1)

RFC 4433, "Mobile IPv4 Dynamic Home Agent (HA) Assignment", March 2006

Source of RFC: mip4 (int)

Errata ID: 898
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Kent Leung
Date Reported: 2007-04-11


In RFC 4433 paragraph 3.4, the extension is specified as skippable with type=139.  
However the extension is specified in the "Long Extension
Format", which should be used for non-skippable extensions only according
to RFC 3344 paragraph 1.10.

It should say:

The extension should be specified in the "Short Extension Format" which
is used for skippable extensions in accordance to RFC 3344 paragraph


This problem was reported by László Molnár.

from pending

Status: Held for Document Update (1)

RFC 4433, "Mobile IPv4 Dynamic Home Agent (HA) Assignment", March 2006

Source of RFC: mip4 (int)

Errata ID: 92
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Alfred Hoenes
Date Reported: 2006-11-09
Held for Document Update by: Brian Haberman

Section 5.3.1 says:

   The following table summarizes the behavior of the Assigned HA, based
   on the value of the destination IP address and Home Agent field of
   the Registration Request.

   Dest IP Addr   HA field      Processing at Assigned HA
   ------------  ------------ ----------------------------------

     Table 1: Registration Request Handling at Assigned HA

It should say:

   The following table summarizes the behavior of the Requested HA,
   based on the value of the destination IP address and the Home Agent
   Address field of the Registration Request.

   Dest IP Addr   HA field      Processing at Requested HA
   ------------  ------------ ----------------------------------
     Table 1: Registration Request Handling at the Requested HA


According to, e.g., the explanations in bullet 1 of Section 5.3,
"Assigned HA" is not correct; the term to be used is "Requested HA";
it will eventually become the "Assigned HA" if the conditions
mentioned are met, but the behaviour described strictly applies
to the "Requested HA" role.

from pending

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