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Status: Verified (2)

RFC 4141, "SMTP and MIME Extensions for Content Conversion", November 2005

Source of RFC: fax (app)

Errata ID: 805
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Alfred Hoenes
Date Reported: 2005-11-22
Verifier Name: Dave Crocker



In Section 1.2, the last paragraph at the bottom of page 4 says:

     *  three MIME Content header fields (Content-Convert, Content-
        Previous and *  Content-Features) that specify appropriate
        content header fields and record conversions that have been

It should say:

     *  three MIME Content header fields (Content-Convert, Content-
|       Previous and Content-Features) that specify appropriate
        content header fields and record conversions that have been


In Section 3, the fourth paragraph on page 6 says:

   When CONPERM is used, conversions are performed by the first ESMTP
   host that can obtain both the originator's permission and information
   about the capabilities supported by the recipient.  If a relay or
   client is unable to transmit the message to a next-hop that supports
   CONPERM or to perform appropriate conversion, then it terminates
   message transmission and returns a [DSNSMTP, DSNFMT, SYSCOD] to the
   originator, with status code 5.6.3 (Conversion required but not

It should say:

   When CONPERM is used, conversions are performed by the first ESMTP
   host that can obtain both the originator's permission and information
   about the capabilities supported by the recipient.  If a relay or
   client is unable to transmit the message to a next-hop that supports
   CONPERM or to perform appropriate conversion, then it terminates
|  message transmission and returns a Delivery Status Notification (DSN)
   [DSNSMTP, DSNFMT, SYSCOD] to the originator, with status code 5.6.3
   (Conversion required but not supported).

Rationale:  Probably, that triple of RFCs should not be sent  :-)
The proposed text change conforms to the current authoring style
guides for I-Ds / RFCs, spelling out the abbreviation 'MDN' at its
first occurrance in the text.


Similarly, the final NOTE in Section 3, on page 9, says:

         NOTE: An originator MAY validate any conversions that are made
         by requesting a positive [DSNSMTP].  ...

where it should better say:

         NOTE: An originator MAY validate any conversions that are made
|        by requesting a positive DSN [DSNSMTP].  ...


The second item of the first enumerated list in Section 3.3,
on page 12, contains a (visually hidden) word replication.
The text says:

      2) MUST return a DSN notification to the originator, with status
         code 5.6.3 (Conversion required but not supported).  [DSNSMTP,
         DSNFMT, SYSCOD]

It should say:

|     2) MUST return a DSN to the originator, with status code 5.6.3
         (Conversion required but not supported).  [DSNSMTP, DSNFMT,

Rationale: The trailing "N" of "DSN" already stands for "notification".


To make the spelling of [E]SMTP keywords and verbs consistent within
the text, the headline of Section 4.2 (on page 13),

  4.2.  CONPERM Parameter to Mail-From

should better use uppercaes spelling as well, to read:

  4.2.  CONPERM Parameter to MAIL-FROM


The ABNF given in Section 7, on page 16, and Section 8, on page 17,
does not fully conform to the contemporary (RFC 2822) style.
The ABNF in Section 7 omits the explicit specification of white
space usage that presumably has been intended.
The ABNF in Section 8 inserts a paramount of CFWS.

- RFC 2822 has deprecated the use of white space between header
  field names and the subsequent ":" and, as far as I can see,
  comments have not been allowed at such places by RFC 822,
  and aren't by the "obsolete syntax" in RFC 2822.
- RFC 2822 has carefully made [C]FWS an intrinsic part of many
  low-level syntactic constructs to improve readability of the
  high-level ABNF productions. Thus, CFWS should not be inserted
  again where it is (logically) already present.

Furthermore, the spelling of ABNF production names should be
self-consistent within a certain field. RFC 2822 makes use of
lowercase production (rule) names for teh syntactic description
of the Internet Message Format; therefore it seems preferrable
to follow this style when defining IMF extensions.

In the light of these explanations (and detailed inspection of
RFC 2822), the ABNF productions in Section 7 :

      Convert =                "Content-convert" ":"

      Permitted =              "ANY" / "NONE" / permitted-list

should perhaps be re-written as :

      convert =           "Content-convert:" [CFWS] permitted

      permitted =         "ANY" / "NONE" / permitted-list

and the ABNF productions in Section 8 :

      previous =          "Content-Previous" [CFWS] ":"
                          date by type

      date =              "Date " [CFWS] date-time [CFWS] ";"

      by =                "By " [CFWS] domain [CFWS] ";"

should perhaps be re-written as :

      previous =          "Content-Previous:" date by type

      date =              "Date " [CFWS] date-time ";" [CFWS]

      by =                "By " domain ";" [CFWS]

or even (disallowing comments after "Date " - like RFC 2822 does):

      previous =          "Content-Previous:" date by type

      date =              "Date " date-time ";" [CFWS]

      by =                "By " domain ";" [CFWS]


The examples in Section 9 contain improperly truncated references
to MIME Content-Types.
The following line that appears
  -  in Section 9.1 in the 3rd text line on page 18,
  -  in Section 9.2 in the 10th text line :

   C: <<RFC 2822 message with MIME Content-Type:TIFF-FX

should, in both cases, read:

   C: <<RFC 2822 message with MIME Content-Type: image/TIFF-FX


In Appendix C, the headline:

  Appendix C.  MIME Content-Type Registrations

should say:

  Appendix C.  MIME Header Field Registrations


Perhaps, in Appendix C, the IANA should have been directed to
add to the MIME Header Registration for "Content-Features:"
an additional reference to RFC 4141.
E.g., add on page 25, before the "Authors' Addresses":

  C.3.  Content-Features

    This memo substantially amends the specification of the
    MIME Header Field "Content-Features:" registered by [[FEAT].
    The IANA should include into the 'Specification document(s)'
    clause of that registration a pointer to RFC 4141.

It should say:

[see above]


From Dave Crocker:

I congratulate you on such an excellent job of proof-reading. I certainly do
recommend that you post your note on the errata page.

All of your points are worth considering. Some entail simple errors and
some entail matters of taste.

I believe that the errors you cite do not change the substance of the
specification, although the question of white space syntax could formally
involve a meaningful technical error. (Normally it would be clear that it
is significant; given the history of RFC733/RFC722/RFC2822 and the slow
adoption of 2822, I'm not too worried that the error in our document will
hurt real-world interoperability.

from pending

Errata ID: 4762
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Andris Reinman
Date Reported: 2016-08-04
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2016-08-11

Section 9.1 says:

S: 250-<June@some.example.com> recipient ok

It should say:

S: 250 <June@some.example.com> recipient ok


The example in section 9.1 incorrectly lists a hyphen between the status code (250) and message text (<June...) as if there would be more data coming from the server regarding the "RCPT TO:<June..." command but there is not.

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