RFC Errata
Found 1 record.
Status: Held for Document Update (1)
RFC 3458, "Message Context for Internet Mail", January 2003
Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 3938
Source of RFC: vpim (app)
Errata ID: 7540
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Bernie Hoeneisen
Date Reported: 2023-06-07
Held for Document Update by: Orie Steele
Date Held: 2024-03-29
Section 8 says:
8. IANA Considerations Section 8.3 is a registration for a new top-level RFC 2822 [3] message header, "Message-Context". This document creates an extensible set of context types. To promote interoperability and coherent interpretations of different types, a central repository has been established for well-known context types. The IANA has created a repository for context types called "Internet Message Context Types". Following the policies outlined in [5], this repository is "Specification Required" by RFC. Section 8.1 describes the initial values for this registry. To create a new message context type, you MUST publish an RFC to document the type. In the RFC, include a copy of the registration template found in Section 8.2 of this document. Put the template in your IANA Considerations section, filling-in the appropriate fields. You MUST describe any interoperability and security issues in your document. 8.1. Message Content Type Registrations Internet Message Content Types
It should say:
8. IANA Considerations Section 8.3 is a registration for a new top-level RFC 2822 [3] message header, "Message-Context". This document creates an extensible set of context classes. To promote interoperability and coherent interpretations of different classes, a central repository has been established for well-known context classes. The IANA has created a repository for context classes called "Internet Message Context Classes". Following the policies outlined in [5], this repository is "Specification Required" by RFC. Section 8.1 describes the initial values for this registry. To create a new message context class, you MUST publish an RFC to document the class. In the RFC, include a copy of the registration template found in Section 8.2 of this document. Put the template in your IANA Considerations section, filling-in the appropriate fields. You MUST describe any interoperability and security issues in your document. 8.1. Message Context Class Registrations Internet Message Context Classes
This document appears to mix up some terms:
1) Context vs. Content: While most of the document refers to 'Context', parts of the IANA Considerations Section use 'Content' for the same thing
2) class vs. type: While most of the document uses 'class', parts of the IANA Considerations Section use 'type' for the same thing
Important: The IANA Registry https://www.iana.org/assignments/message-header-types/message-header-types.xhtml also needs to be updated (given this errata is considered valid)