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Status: Held for Document Update (1)

RFC 1002, "Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP transport: Detailed specifications", March 1987

Source of RFC: Legacy
Area Assignment: int

Errata ID: 567
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Sir Dystic
Date Reported: 2001-04-26
Held for Document Update by: Brian Haberman

Section 4.2.16 says:


   |          NULL (0x0020)        |         IN (0x0001)           |

It should say:

The values for the first field (the resource record type) are defined above
in section  RESOURCE RECORD:

   NULL       0x000A   NULL Resource Record (See WAIT FOR
                       ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RESPONSE)
   NB         0x0020   NetBIOS general Name Service Resource Record
                       (See NB_FLAGS and NB_ADDRESS, below)


The value for type NULL is defined as 0x000A and the
comment specifically mentions WACK responses. The value shown in the packet
layout is 0x0020, the value for NB resource records, the most common value
for this field. In truth, I can't get Windows boxes to respond to this
packet as documented with either value in that field.

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