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RFC 5280, "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile", May 2008

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 6818, RFC 8398, RFC 8399, RFC 9549, RFC 9598, RFC 9608, RFC 9618

Source of RFC: pkix (sec)

Errata ID: 1774
Status: Rejected
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Takashi Ito
Date Reported: 2009-05-04
Rejected by: Pasi Eronen
Date Rejected: 2009-05-27

Section 6.3 says:

   For each distribution point (DP) in the certificate CRL distribution
   points extension, for each corresponding CRL in the local CRL cache,
   while ((reasons_mask is not all-reasons) and (cert_status is
   UNREVOKED)) perform the following:

      (a)  Update the local CRL cache by obtaining a complete CRL, a
      delta CRL, or both, as required:

It should say:

   For each distribution point (DP) in the certificate CRL distribution
   points extension, for each corresponding CRL in the local CRL cache,
   while ((reasons_mask is not all-reasons) and (cert_status is
   UNREVOKED)) perform the following:

   (l)  Set the reasons_mask state variable to the union of
        its previous value and the value of the interim_reasons_mask
        state variable.

      (a)  Update the local CRL cache by obtaining a complete CRL, a
      delta CRL, or both, as required:


This was reported in 2002 for RFC 3280, which this document obsoletes. The correction did not make it in to RFC 5280, and therefore applies to RFC 5280 as well.
The correction already appears as step (l), the last step in the loop.

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