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130 results ( Show  25 | All )

NumberFilesTitleAuthorsDateMore InfoStatus
RFC 9614HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLPartitioning as an Architecture for PrivacyM. Kühlewind, T. Pauly, C. A. WoodJuly 2024    Informational
RFC 9547HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLReport from the IAB Workshop on Environmental Impact of Internet Applications and Systems, 2022J. Arkko, C. S. Perkins, S. KrishnanFebruary 2024    Informational
RFC 9490HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLReport from the IAB Workshop on Management Techniques in Encrypted Networks (M-TEN)M. Knodel, W. Hardaker, T. PaulyJanuary 2024    Informational
RFC 9419HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLConsiderations on Application - Network Collaboration Using Path SignalsJ. Arkko, T. Hardie, T. Pauly, M. KühlewindJuly 2023    Informational
RFC 9413HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLMaintaining Robust ProtocolsM. Thomson, D. SchinaziJune 2023    Informational
RFC 9318HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLIAB Workshop Report: Measuring Network Quality for End-UsersW. Hardaker, O. ShapiraOctober 2022    Informational
RFC 9307HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLReport from the IAB Workshop on Analyzing IETF Data (AID) 2021N. ten Oever, C. Cath, M. Kühlewind, C. S. PerkinsSeptember 2022    Informational
RFC 9280HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLRFC Editor Model (Version 3)P. Saint-Andre, Ed.June 2022Errata, Obsoletes RFC 8728, Updates RFC 7841, RFC 8729, RFC 8730Informational
RFC 9170HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLLong-Term Viability of Protocol Extension MechanismsM. Thomson, T. PaulyDecember 2021    Informational
RFC 9120HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLNameservers for the Address and Routing Parameter Area ("arpa") DomainK. Davies, J. ArkkoOctober 2021Updates RFC 3172Informational
RFC 9075HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLReport from the IAB COVID-19 Network Impacts Workshop 2020J. Arkko, S. Farrell, M. Kühlewind, C. PerkinsJuly 2021    Informational
RFC 8980HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLReport from the IAB Workshop on Design Expectations vs. Deployment Reality in Protocol DevelopmentJ. Arkko, T. HardieFebruary 2021    Informational
RFC 8890HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLThe Internet is for End UsersM. NottinghamAugust 2020ErrataInformational
RFC 8752HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLReport from the IAB Workshop on Exploring Synergy between Content Aggregation and the Publisher Ecosystem (ESCAPE)M. Thomson, M. NottinghamMarch 2020    Informational
RFC 8720HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLPrinciples for Operation of Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) RegistriesR. Housley, Ed., O. Kolkman, Ed.February 2020Obsoletes RFC 7500Informational
RFC 8722HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLDefining the Role and Function of IETF Protocol Parameter Registry OperatorsD. McPherson, Ed., O. Kolkman, Ed., J. Klensin, Ed., G. Huston, Ed.February 2020Obsoletes RFC 6220Informational
RFC 8729HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLThe RFC Series and RFC EditorR. Housley, Ed., L. Daigle, Ed.February 2020Obsoletes RFC 4844, Updated by RFC 9280Informational
RFC 8730HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLIndependent Submission Editor ModelN. Brownlee, Ed., B. Hinden, Ed.February 2020Obsoletes RFC 6548, Updated by RFC 9280Informational
RFC 8728HTML, TEXT, PDF, XMLRFC Editor Model (Version 2)O. Kolkman, Ed., J. Halpern, Ed., R. Hinden, Ed.February 2020Obsoletes RFC 6635, Obsoleted by RFC 9280Informational
RFC 8700HTML, TEXT, PDF, XML, HTML with inline errataFifty Years of RFCsH. Flanagan, Ed.December 2019Errata, Updates RFC 2555, RFC 5540Informational
RFC 8546ASCII, PDF, HTMLThe Wire Image of a Network ProtocolB. Trammell, M. KuehlewindApril 2019    Informational
RFC 8558ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataTransport Protocol Path SignalsT. Hardie, Ed.April 2019ErrataInformational
RFC 8477ASCII, PDF, HTMLReport from the Internet of Things (IoT) Semantic Interoperability (IOTSI) Workshop 2016J. Jimenez, H. Tschofenig, D. ThalerOctober 2018    Informational
RFC 8462ASCII, PDF, HTMLReport from the IAB Workshop on Managing Radio Networks in an Encrypted World (MaRNEW)N. Rooney, S. Dawkins, Ed.October 2018    Informational
RFC 8240ASCII, PDF, HTMLReport from the Internet of Things Software Update (IoTSU) Workshop 2016H. Tschofenig, S. FarrellSeptember 2017    Informational