10 results
Number | Files | Title | Authors | Date | More Info | Status |
RFC 9061 | HTML, TEXT, PDF, XML | A YANG Data Model for IPsec Flow Protection Based on Software-Defined Networking (SDN) | R. Marin-Lopez, G. Lopez-Millan, F. Pereniguez-Garcia | July 2021 | Proposed Standard | |
RFC 8597 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | Cooperating Layered Architecture for Software-Defined Networking (CLAS) | LM. Contreras, CJ. Bernardos, D. Lopez, M. Boucadair, P. Iovanna | May 2019 | Informational | |
RFC 8456 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | Benchmarking Methodology for Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Controller Performance | V. Bhuvaneswaran, A. Basil, M. Tassinari, V. Manral, S. Banks | October 2018 | Informational | |
RFC 8455 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | Terminology for Benchmarking Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Controller Performance | V. Bhuvaneswaran, A. Basil, M. Tassinari, V. Manral, S. Banks | October 2018 | Informational | |
RFC 8413 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | Framework for Scheduled Use of Resources | Y. Zhuang, Q. Wu, H. Chen, A. Farrel | July 2018 | Informational | |
RFC 8309 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | Service Models Explained | Q. Wu, W. Liu, A. Farrel | January 2018 | Informational | |
RFC 7491 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | A PCE-Based Architecture for Application-Based Network Operations | D. King, A. Farrel | March 2015 | Informational | |
RFC 7426 | ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata | Software-Defined Networking (SDN): Layers and Architecture Terminology | E. Haleplidis, Ed., K. Pentikousis, Ed., S. Denazis, J. Hadi Salim, D. Meyer, O. Koufopavlou | January 2015 | Errata | Informational |
RFC 7399 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | Unanswered Questions in the Path Computation Element Architecture | A. Farrel, D. King | October 2014 | Informational | |
RFC 7149 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | Software-Defined Networking: A Perspective from within a Service Provider Environment | M. Boucadair, C. Jacquenet | March 2014 | Informational |